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Current special Game - Valid from 08.11 to 06.12 - Page nb 5

Special Game 08.11.2022 - 06.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Ay 7 RN Galaxy val Galaxy NE, aN ) ) ) ) — — — = Galaxy A03 Core 4G Galaxy A23 4G Galaxy A33 56 Galaxy A53 5G Smartphone Smartphone Smartphone Smartphone CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT e q I New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts a ' SO Minutes =50Minutes SO Minutes 500ME Data Anytime + S0OMB Data Anytime 'SOOMB Osta Anytime Start-up data OMB Night Ovt *S00MB Night Oot 'SOOMB Night Owt bundte fr contracts {ee Aime Ga te 30 days 3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3 368 Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Video Ticket (168 PM x3 Start-up data Start-up data Start-up data bundle for contacts bundle for contracts bundle for coatrocts, Keer pre Daa vale 20 day (coc at yore Oa valor 30 dys) {ence Ane Oa val for 30d @66 ©@ 5090 SMP BMP gMP SOP 5000 13MP 32MP GMP man From Rear may Hom Rear ror Reat 65° 2GBRAM warrant 4GBRAM warrant “ RAM. warra 65° 6GBRAM warrant 15m GpRoM NY resem cea eo . 185m 2S6B ROM 1eSem eGR ROMS 08 Nov - 06 Dec 2022. Seance ter ‘ act Soaks 2 month Vodacom Contract an 3 once ot SIM and connection fe a es Pace sated #SBjeC 0 > ‘och 3 ality up we 25: tre doy of purchase GA D book poo of aaeress. a Statements Fr haters sd ores wd ugg Geves wn veda con/eal- Gece nd veda Al Des wld we sts La Tat se pores uncer en by Vadacom insurance Company. alcensed on-Ufeinsurer Terms and condtions apy. vi Vodscomn co. The location of the addtional daa and vox mites ae on re tes ony and nak on upaade ce prepa on double une des oy ie main ine wl rece the allocaton ofthe actions dt ard voKe min “R204 ‘SAGSGAIGB6. RSA EDITION, PRICES VALID FROM 08 NOV- 06 DEC 2022 S

Latest specials

Ay 7 RN Galaxy val Galaxy NE, aN ) ) ) ) — — — = Galaxy A03 Core 4G Galaxy A23 4G Galaxy A33 56 Galaxy A53 5G Smartphone Smartphone Smartphone Smartphone CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT CONTRACT e q I New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts a ' SO Minutes =50Minutes SO Minutes 500ME Data Anytime + S0OMB Data Anytime 'SOOMB Osta Anytime Start-up data OMB Night Ovt *S00MB Night Oot 'SOOMB Night Owt bundte fr contracts {ee Aime Ga te 30 days 3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3 368 Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Video Ticket (168 PM x3 Start-up data Start-up data Start-up data bundle for contacts bundle for contracts bundle for coatrocts, Keer pre Daa vale 20 day (coc at yore Oa valor 30 dys) {ence Ane Oa val for 30d @66 ©@ 5090 SMP BMP gMP SOP 5000 13MP 32MP GMP man From Rear may Hom Rear ror Reat 65° 2GBRAM warrant 4GBRAM warrant “ RAM. warra 65° 6GBRAM warrant 15m GpRoM NY resem cea eo . 185m 2S6B ROM 1eSem eGR ROMS 08 Nov - 06 Dec 2022. Seance ter ‘ act Soaks 2 month Vodacom Contract an 3 once ot SIM and connection fe a es Pace sated #SBjeC 0 > ‘och 3 ality up we 25: tre doy of purchase GA D book poo of aaeress. a Statements Fr haters sd ores wd ugg Geves wn veda con/eal- Gece nd veda Al Des wld we sts La Tat se pores uncer en by Vadacom insurance Company. alcensed on-Ufeinsurer Terms and condtions apy. vi Vodscomn co. The location of the addtional daa and vox mites ae on re tes ony and nak on upaade ce prepa on double une des oy ie main ine wl rece the allocaton ofthe actions dt ard voKe min “R204 ‘SAGSGAIGB6. RSA EDITION, PRICES VALID FROM 08 NOV- 06 DEC 2022 S

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