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Current special Game - Valid from 23.11 to 29.11 - Page nb 7

Special Game 23.11.2022 - 29.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

eS moneZl (S95) a Aciot ‘Auto Washing Powder kg ¥ “oe ARIEL ,; AUTO a 4 forR120 mo Auto Weshing sta-Soft ° Powder Fabric Softener a reared, ‘Atiel Washing Liquid 2 LOR ‘Automatic Washing Powder ‘Sky OR Sins Washing Pods 2s &: - ‘Supa Mama Value Refuse Bags 20s Twinsaver sik Whe aller Distncsting guid Bleach Any 3 for R95 | Assorted ISL Towels Pack 750 mt Twinsaver ae 1Ply Toilet F Aerosol Tissue 500 Air Freshener Dp sree Paci 300m Pac Doom Insecticide am 300 ml Assorted A=W Thick Bleach AY 750 mi Assorted ANY 2FOR All 3 For R60 FRUIN 22 es N eune ous CUISINE ALL FOR cot tee Tray 3 cayen User iOks First Value APC Lemon 750 ml, PLUS Cat Litter Sifter Thick Bleach Lemon 750 ml PLUS ‘Assorted Colours Dishwashing Liquid 750 mt Any 3 for R100 Féuna FREDO NATURE Mr. Min Multi Surface Cleaner 300 ml Assorted

Latest specials

eS moneZl (S95) a Aciot ‘Auto Washing Powder kg ¥ “oe ARIEL ,; AUTO a 4 forR120 mo Auto Weshing sta-Soft ° Powder Fabric Softener a reared, ‘Atiel Washing Liquid 2 LOR ‘Automatic Washing Powder ‘Sky OR Sins Washing Pods 2s &: - ‘Supa Mama Value Refuse Bags 20s Twinsaver sik Whe aller Distncsting guid Bleach Any 3 for R95 | Assorted ISL Towels Pack 750 mt Twinsaver ae 1Ply Toilet F Aerosol Tissue 500 Air Freshener Dp sree Paci 300m Pac Doom Insecticide am 300 ml Assorted A=W Thick Bleach AY 750 mi Assorted ANY 2FOR All 3 For R60 FRUIN 22 es N eune ous CUISINE ALL FOR cot tee Tray 3 cayen User iOks First Value APC Lemon 750 ml, PLUS Cat Litter Sifter Thick Bleach Lemon 750 ml PLUS ‘Assorted Colours Dishwashing Liquid 750 mt Any 3 for R100 Féuna FREDO NATURE Mr. Min Multi Surface Cleaner 300 ml Assorted

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