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Current special Game - Valid from 07.10 to 07.11 - Page nb 6

Special Game 07.10.2022 - 07.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

WW HUAWE! HUAWEI NOVO 8i Super Camera Super Charge 64MP Al Quad Camera’| 66W HUAWEI SuperCharge se % HUAWEI nova Y70 Plus HUAWEI nova 81 4G H ea ohena ‘Smartphone Smartphone 70 «xO © 22 &§ S y) a1 & | COT ad 2GB RAM, 468 RAM 2 6B ROM 128 GBROM ree warranty rn warranty Cree 1GB RED Top Up Core More Data New & Upgrade Contracts Sia & Upgiacs Contes RISO Airtime Value PM +50 Minutes: ou Stare dota “Some Ngheont bundle for contracts ence Rene Dat, vas or 30 dy) 3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) 3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Foe 2068 Start-up data Foe 2060 Start-up data Promo 70 PM x36 bundle for contracts bundle for contracts 370 Anime Vaiue PH (crce-ct Aetna Data vais tor 30 days) (cnce-tt Avie Data valid tor 30 days) Ree TEON STE me a 70 Anime Valve PM 70 Aitime Value PM Otters vats trom 07 Oct-07 Nov 2022. Standard terms and conditions apply Contract dats are sect to sighing » new 24/36-moeeh Vodacom Coreract and a once ot SIM and connection fee of R20 cn a ‘new Contracts unless otherwise stated Subject to RICA and in-store actaten of a Prepaid Starter Pack VAT incussve EROE. All Once-of Osta bunces wal have valiSty up ute 73°59 of the 30th dy Kom dnd ietung the day of purchexe Git cards ae net included n Prepaid dels it cards may net be redemed for cash or as payment on instalment PLease being 1D book prao! of adsess, and 3 months’ bark statements. For ul terms and condticns and qstyng devors vt voda com/retal- device and Ail Daas val whe stocks Last Theft cover - this insurance prodket ts underarten by Vodacom Insurance Company alicensad non-life naure Terres and conden app vet The alocatien a the adden data aed voice mites are cr new Unes ay and nk on upgrade prepa on coute line onats ory the mai ine wl rece the allocation of he acceso dita and voice mnxees. & SARSGAIER? RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 07 OCT - 07 NOV 2022

Latest specials

WW HUAWE! HUAWEI NOVO 8i Super Camera Super Charge 64MP Al Quad Camera’| 66W HUAWEI SuperCharge se % HUAWEI nova Y70 Plus HUAWEI nova 81 4G H ea ohena ‘Smartphone Smartphone 70 «xO © 22 &§ S y) a1 & | COT ad 2GB RAM, 468 RAM 2 6B ROM 128 GBROM ree warranty rn warranty Cree 1GB RED Top Up Core More Data New & Upgrade Contracts Sia & Upgiacs Contes RISO Airtime Value PM +50 Minutes: ou Stare dota “Some Ngheont bundle for contracts ence Rene Dat, vas or 30 dy) 3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) 3GB Video Ticket (168 PM x3) Foe 2068 Start-up data Foe 2060 Start-up data Promo 70 PM x36 bundle for contracts bundle for contracts 370 Anime Vaiue PH (crce-ct Aetna Data vais tor 30 days) (cnce-tt Avie Data valid tor 30 days) Ree TEON STE me a 70 Anime Valve PM 70 Aitime Value PM Otters vats trom 07 Oct-07 Nov 2022. Standard terms and conditions apply Contract dats are sect to sighing » new 24/36-moeeh Vodacom Coreract and a once ot SIM and connection fee of R20 cn a ‘new Contracts unless otherwise stated Subject to RICA and in-store actaten of a Prepaid Starter Pack VAT incussve EROE. All Once-of Osta bunces wal have valiSty up ute 73°59 of the 30th dy Kom dnd ietung the day of purchexe Git cards ae net included n Prepaid dels it cards may net be redemed for cash or as payment on instalment PLease being 1D book prao! of adsess, and 3 months’ bark statements. For ul terms and condticns and qstyng devors vt voda com/retal- device and Ail Daas val whe stocks Last Theft cover - this insurance prodket ts underarten by Vodacom Insurance Company alicensad non-life naure Terres and conden app vet The alocatien a the adden data aed voice mites are cr new Unes ay and nk on upgrade prepa on coute line onats ory the mai ine wl rece the allocation of he acceso dita and voice mnxees. & SARSGAIER? RSA EDITION. PRICES VALID FROM 07 OCT - 07 NOV 2022

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