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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 02.10 to 03.10 - Page nb 1

Special Food Lovers Market 02.10.2023 - 03.10.2023

Products in this catalogue

SPECIALS VALID TUESDAY 3 OC Spinach Bunches or Table Celery Sleeves Spring Onion Bunches 75 9 Naartjie Farm Fresh Punnets 500 g Cabbages Lettuce Prepacks EACH } ny Blueberry or — Banana Strawberry Punnets Orange or Lemon Beetroot or Carrot Pickling Onion Thriftpacks 700 g 125 9/2509 Thriftpacks 1 kg Thriftpacks 1kg Thriftpacks 1kg BAKERY & HOT FOODS " Hot Dog or Hamburger Rolls Munch On The Run Dried Cranberries or Nuts Assorted 359 Food Lover’s dbury Chocolates Barbeque, Cheese or sorted 409-4859 Chutney Puffs 100 g ao Pork Neck Prego | §f Steak 1x 100g | ye Beef Burger Patties 1x 100 g Chicken Drumsticks 2x 75.9 _~ F FOOD LOVER’S MARKET NNN cen a a ot AY St a a ol a Teo el aCe GUARANTEED! TNR cote ao RA oD A eT rot OO Cit Oke cn a ne eu a Ve eons Cone tg eC ne ee

Latest specials

SPECIALS VALID TUESDAY 3 OC Spinach Bunches or Table Celery Sleeves Spring Onion Bunches 75 9 Naartjie Farm Fresh Punnets 500 g Cabbages Lettuce Prepacks EACH } ny Blueberry or — Banana Strawberry Punnets Orange or Lemon Beetroot or Carrot Pickling Onion Thriftpacks 700 g 125 9/2509 Thriftpacks 1 kg Thriftpacks 1kg Thriftpacks 1kg BAKERY & HOT FOODS " Hot Dog or Hamburger Rolls Munch On The Run Dried Cranberries or Nuts Assorted 359 Food Lover’s dbury Chocolates Barbeque, Cheese or sorted 409-4859 Chutney Puffs 100 g ao Pork Neck Prego | §f Steak 1x 100g | ye Beef Burger Patties 1x 100 g Chicken Drumsticks 2x 75.9 _~ F FOOD LOVER’S MARKET NNN cen a a ot AY St a a ol a Teo el aCe GUARANTEED! TNR cote ao RA oD A eT rot OO Cit Oke cn a ne eu a Ve eons Cone tg eC ne ee

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