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Current special Food Lovers Market - Valid from 18.09 to 24.09 - Page nb 2

Special Food Lovers Market 18.09.2023 - 24.09.2023

Products in this catalogue

ay 39 33" a sa Blueberry < | Punnets 1259 ~ | 3 FOR R50 ~<.- 1x Pawpaw, 1x Pineapple, 1xBanana’ Thriftpack 700 g, ‘1x Naartjie Punnet R59 Imported Red, Black & White Grape Punnets 500 { each Ov ; is r 7 hee a ' ‘Sweet C Naartjies rte — 4 3s @@ee@ = _ wo 19% Son R25 each Cauliflower or Strawberry sae Bunches Broccoli Prepacks Red Cabbages Punnets 250 g Sweetcorn 2 FOR R39 «| R39 R39 39% R20 hl a hs AED, 4 , 7 A . i? amen ba) 1x Carrot Bag 3 kg, by) » Se. D 4 ’ ye . le 1x Onion Bag 3kg, 4 P g } > = Terese | og 38 ww 1x Beetroot Bag 5 kg 4 | } 7 2 A a ok p 3 POLRE a. i sewn CARRS } SALD SALD R99 dae ey Pe | oe rey ' ee Y i) Me CARROTS. jf SS ) ® - = eo = y ms y | = a er ij te Tomato Red Onion Carrot Potjie Potato ae — Thriftpacks 1kg Thriftpacks 1kg Thriftpacks 750 9 Thriftpacks 1kg ay aoe hea } 2 FOR 2 FOR 2FOR 2 FOR A eg R39 R50 R20 R25 R20 = Food Lover’s Peanuts Roasted, Roasted & Bakers Salticrax Bakers Kips Flavoured Beacon Flanagan's Chips Salted, Peri-Peri or Crackers Assorted 200 g Crackers Assorted 200 g mmmMallows 150 9 Assorted 120 g Peanuts & Raisins 400 g 2 FOR 2 FOR 3 FOR 2FOR 2 FOR R50 R55 R40 R40 R70 FOOD LOVER’S MARKET ssinesiznasoar-sunins erases wanes macs: vest wT ONTES oe

Latest specials

ay 39 33" a sa Blueberry < | Punnets 1259 ~ | 3 FOR R50 ~<.- 1x Pawpaw, 1x Pineapple, 1xBanana’ Thriftpack 700 g, ‘1x Naartjie Punnet R59 Imported Red, Black & White Grape Punnets 500 { each Ov ; is r 7 hee a ' ‘Sweet C Naartjies rte — 4 3s @@ee@ = _ wo 19% Son R25 each Cauliflower or Strawberry sae Bunches Broccoli Prepacks Red Cabbages Punnets 250 g Sweetcorn 2 FOR R39 «| R39 R39 39% R20 hl a hs AED, 4 , 7 A . i? amen ba) 1x Carrot Bag 3 kg, by) » Se. D 4 ’ ye . le 1x Onion Bag 3kg, 4 P g } > = Terese | og 38 ww 1x Beetroot Bag 5 kg 4 | } 7 2 A a ok p 3 POLRE a. i sewn CARRS } SALD SALD R99 dae ey Pe | oe rey ' ee Y i) Me CARROTS. jf SS ) ® - = eo = y ms y | = a er ij te Tomato Red Onion Carrot Potjie Potato ae — Thriftpacks 1kg Thriftpacks 1kg Thriftpacks 750 9 Thriftpacks 1kg ay aoe hea } 2 FOR 2 FOR 2FOR 2 FOR A eg R39 R50 R20 R25 R20 = Food Lover’s Peanuts Roasted, Roasted & Bakers Salticrax Bakers Kips Flavoured Beacon Flanagan's Chips Salted, Peri-Peri or Crackers Assorted 200 g Crackers Assorted 200 g mmmMallows 150 9 Assorted 120 g Peanuts & Raisins 400 g 2 FOR 2 FOR 3 FOR 2FOR 2 FOR R50 R55 R40 R40 R70 FOOD LOVER’S MARKET ssinesiznasoar-sunins erases wanes macs: vest wT ONTES oe

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