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Current special Clicks - Valid from 04.11 to 17.11 - Page nb 47

Special Clicks 04.11.2022 - 17.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

er cam Deli Snapsticks or Deli nepali Dried Fruit or Nuts Sliced Bitlong 80 9 We ee Pete ick smarts Foods 12 Ghocelte ili Cn fed Dates (f Cranberties 40 g esti 432. Snickers, siflartbite VErtatbte | sttiart Srnart! =m Clicks Smartbite Foods ‘Muttigrain Quinoa Chips 709 Nestlé Chocolate Minis Bags 135g,180g 1829. 189g 0 1609 ‘smart! Mister Sweet Gums, Jelies re eee Torti 150g reread go 129 rasa Nestlé bs 125 9. 180g or 1709 Cro bE wana jes Cadbury Se et, oe, E Haribo or H-chow Valpré, Coca-Cola, Chocolat Sharing , alk Cig Ges | ety Smoot 25 9.359 Twist or Fanta Bogs a J Drinks 440 mi oy @ I a> \\ 2 a 3799 : ; eee 172° OWN ens LOWE to 2s Bb =-8 =e yo B S58 x. 8 =. Peccaiect Oi 5 Be r " 1 1 cad aes) C80 Infused 2 Brookes Low-Cal S. 8 Sporting Dink 4 J Fut Squcsh 1 Ue “ ALG bos 0m § . ower Pt Ser oe Tea 300 mi. oogy Din 250 ml ae (or 440 ml p= omen CMe ee atl ea You one ered or one) Re lB ere eRe elle) Bue ee ee Re M RUE Ute Roi) aan cllets ce uc tot and start fe usetion purposes only and products may vay in store depending on eval. Net al producs are cvalble for online purchase. For more information, visit our website at or phone our Customer Service Centre on F 360-254-257 (within South Afica) or +27 21 460-1009 (oUfsice South Afice).Pices are applicable fo cash and credit/ pay less Peer nas ke eee ee ieee ne eter Rea) the right fo limit quantities fo 6 per customer, Prices apply fo South Africa only and may vary in Namibia, Botswana, Eee ether aeRO NLT ea eee econ Loeb erioas ' WMICLICKS®

Latest specials

er cam Deli Snapsticks or Deli nepali Dried Fruit or Nuts Sliced Bitlong 80 9 We ee Pete ick smarts Foods 12 Ghocelte ili Cn fed Dates (f Cranberties 40 g esti 432. Snickers, siflartbite VErtatbte | sttiart Srnart! =m Clicks Smartbite Foods ‘Muttigrain Quinoa Chips 709 Nestlé Chocolate Minis Bags 135g,180g 1829. 189g 0 1609 ‘smart! Mister Sweet Gums, Jelies re eee Torti 150g reread go 129 rasa Nestlé bs 125 9. 180g or 1709 Cro bE wana jes Cadbury Se et, oe, E Haribo or H-chow Valpré, Coca-Cola, Chocolat Sharing , alk Cig Ges | ety Smoot 25 9.359 Twist or Fanta Bogs a J Drinks 440 mi oy @ I a> \\ 2 a 3799 : ; eee 172° OWN ens LOWE to 2s Bb =-8 =e yo B S58 x. 8 =. Peccaiect Oi 5 Be r " 1 1 cad aes) C80 Infused 2 Brookes Low-Cal S. 8 Sporting Dink 4 J Fut Squcsh 1 Ue “ ALG bos 0m § . ower Pt Ser oe Tea 300 mi. oogy Din 250 ml ae (or 440 ml p= omen CMe ee atl ea You one ered or one) Re lB ere eRe elle) Bue ee ee Re M RUE Ute Roi) aan cllets ce uc tot and start fe usetion purposes only and products may vay in store depending on eval. Net al producs are cvalble for online purchase. For more information, visit our website at or phone our Customer Service Centre on F 360-254-257 (within South Afica) or +27 21 460-1009 (oUfsice South Afice).Pices are applicable fo cash and credit/ pay less Peer nas ke eee ee ieee ne eter Rea) the right fo limit quantities fo 6 per customer, Prices apply fo South Africa only and may vary in Namibia, Botswana, Eee ether aeRO NLT ea eee econ Loeb erioas ' WMICLICKS®

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