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Current special Checkers - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 12

Special Checkers 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

eee reiki Coin arrag bored fem) 39° 89g 119” or Blu52 All-in-one <a HTH Shock It pool solution - 1,2kg mm Pace floater HTH Floater plus 500g go fan? Smaseatton ng sor me 1.66 a, 8842 119° Month Mate Poolbrite regular/pink floater 1,5Kg Reg. L7206 Act 1499°° —= Intex Rectangular pool frame 3m x 2m x 75cm Boys'/gils’ hooded character towels All colours Boys /gils' character beach towel All colours 70cm x 130cm : z eS 2 a) 3 eT z ——— z 5 : £ — 5 : aa ES 5 ; q en eel 5 & el 5 el PRR 199° aes — — Al colours 80cm x 150em Jacquard beach towels, All colours 100cm x 180cm

Latest specials

eee reiki Coin arrag bored fem) 39° 89g 119” or Blu52 All-in-one <a HTH Shock It pool solution - 1,2kg mm Pace floater HTH Floater plus 500g go fan? Smaseatton ng sor me 1.66 a, 8842 119° Month Mate Poolbrite regular/pink floater 1,5Kg Reg. L7206 Act 1499°° —= Intex Rectangular pool frame 3m x 2m x 75cm Boys'/gils’ hooded character towels All colours Boys /gils' character beach towel All colours 70cm x 130cm : z eS 2 a) 3 eT z ——— z 5 : £ — 5 : aa ES 5 ; q en eel 5 & el 5 el PRR 199° aes — — Al colours 80cm x 150em Jacquard beach towels, All colours 100cm x 180cm

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