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Current special Checkers - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 7

Special Checkers 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

Money Transfers —— CC OKO + SAMSUNG TEV Aa ike ' Ar ena oy ney A Battery SMP + 5MP ene ot) I) z (| on ®O2O0e i foro ANT ss) NWA) Sa erg 6.5” { ey COU ee Ce ee eter! et yt) bs eS = cry Dual SIM ay ee HISENSE LS SUNS) ale 65” ey Ce) Cy Ee ea pe Co) PO@OE Era xt} P:) a = = ere R1999 (etree es OL OG SAMSUNG TNE NED SG a Cnet iy Oy Ue) cay Pa ee rl ee en Pre — crt) HAE | eT) @ EL) R2999 ~ While stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders. VAT included. Errors and Omissions excepted. Customer care line 0800 0107 09. Money Market services available in-store Devices & Bill Accessories | Payments 91 Travel & Event Electri Lotto Tickets Airtime & Data — Savings Stamps 104 wet x Corres Gift Cards & Insurance

Latest specials

Money Transfers —— CC OKO + SAMSUNG TEV Aa ike ' Ar ena oy ney A Battery SMP + 5MP ene ot) I) z (| on ®O2O0e i foro ANT ss) NWA) Sa erg 6.5” { ey COU ee Ce ee eter! et yt) bs eS = cry Dual SIM ay ee HISENSE LS SUNS) ale 65” ey Ce) Cy Ee ea pe Co) PO@OE Era xt} P:) a = = ere R1999 (etree es OL OG SAMSUNG TNE NED SG a Cnet iy Oy Ue) cay Pa ee rl ee en Pre — crt) HAE | eT) @ EL) R2999 ~ While stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. No traders. VAT included. Errors and Omissions excepted. Customer care line 0800 0107 09. Money Market services available in-store Devices & Bill Accessories | Payments 91 Travel & Event Electri Lotto Tickets Airtime & Data — Savings Stamps 104 wet x Corres Gift Cards & Insurance

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