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Current special Builders Warehouse - Valid from 10.01 to 06.02 - Page nb 7

Special Builders Warehouse 10.01.2023 - 06.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

s ® \ ’ ~ ory % Es e 1700 Drop-in 126 Samba Value Bath 4 Corner Bath fango Oval Bath eed Need cash to grow your business? Get up to R5 million in funding. Visit to apply today. Get to Builders. Get it done. : p aes ZS Miami front Flush Close-coupled Close-coupted Value Toil Front Flush ront Flus! Suite Toilet Suite tonne Toilet Suite 559 Toilet Suite ®869 ’g49 : verra YOU SAVE CON rr ow ®46 w=) *400 a — J ce Styl - Delux Ba = Basin Mixer 7 =i = 299 02 ‘479 599 1899 Per phower May. was *2299 or ie!) z 5 R ‘429 erat walang 1899 cde ee) 1-function 49 Thermoplastic "459 Showerose rT fe Sy = "899 Eo SAVE *200 al iff ~~ Basin Mixer 8699 7999 royessinuixer | 99D Pee) Cer y Pa %

Latest specials

s ® \ ’ ~ ory % Es e 1700 Drop-in 126 Samba Value Bath 4 Corner Bath fango Oval Bath eed Need cash to grow your business? Get up to R5 million in funding. Visit to apply today. Get to Builders. Get it done. : p aes ZS Miami front Flush Close-coupled Close-coupted Value Toil Front Flush ront Flus! Suite Toilet Suite tonne Toilet Suite 559 Toilet Suite ®869 ’g49 : verra YOU SAVE CON rr ow ®46 w=) *400 a — J ce Styl - Delux Ba = Basin Mixer 7 =i = 299 02 ‘479 599 1899 Per phower May. was *2299 or ie!) z 5 R ‘429 erat walang 1899 cde ee) 1-function 49 Thermoplastic "459 Showerose rT fe Sy = "899 Eo SAVE *200 al iff ~~ Basin Mixer 8699 7999 royessinuixer | 99D Pee) Cer y Pa %

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