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Current special Boxer - Valid from 25.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 8

Special Boxer 25.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

YO A STAND A CHANCE TO Wi THE VALUE OF YOUR SASSA GRANT IN BOXER ECOUPONS. COMPETITION VALID: 2. NOVEMBER to 6"" NOVEMBER WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED: 14th NOVEMBER 2022 *Ts & Cs APPLY. Visit FRESH WAVE FeAl cromeuns Ne GU naan fer ee Hand Washing Powd Powder Liquid a7 fe VANISH Stain Remover ‘SUNLIGHT FRESH WAVE Liquid 500mI / VANISH Power ‘Multipurpose Pine Gel Fabric Conditioner Refill 02 Stain Remover 150g Assorted 4 Og N e | is Sunlighn S a mech ae q JIK PLUSH HARPIC MR MIN SUNBEAM COBRA B AIRWICK canrane White & Shine Multi Surface Floor Polish Assorted 350m! / Relax pace Air Freshener Mekiparrocslll . Multipurpose Cleaner COBRA Floor Polish Tile h 6 | tavender Thick Bleach = ‘Thick Bleach tavernion Lavender 350ml Cleaner ‘Assorted Assorted Ve Lavender i i Sand Cate Value | = on — So Pack 5 99 fac 99 Neg 99 Gray” ee , ) } 1 ie on LIS? a! 4 Je _— KIWI ‘TWINSAVER CONTE rg) panne Black Shoe Polish faxmy 2 Py 3 Premium 1 Ply 5 Liquid 200 Sheets 3 a ee rainy f ay oe Toilet Tissue = ws vi ih Rolls: S 7m A on AAT foc ea “ re | b~* HOME SQUARE HOME SQUARE HOME SQUARE Premium Premium Glass Kettle Stainless Steel Hotplate Cees aoe AT BOXER | eee EKHAYA MALL STORE ONLY rei a roman ahs spay pe pea 6037-9 ‘ange ay Vary. coats tot

Latest specials

YO A STAND A CHANCE TO Wi THE VALUE OF YOUR SASSA GRANT IN BOXER ECOUPONS. COMPETITION VALID: 2. NOVEMBER to 6"" NOVEMBER WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED: 14th NOVEMBER 2022 *Ts & Cs APPLY. Visit FRESH WAVE FeAl cromeuns Ne GU naan fer ee Hand Washing Powd Powder Liquid a7 fe VANISH Stain Remover ‘SUNLIGHT FRESH WAVE Liquid 500mI / VANISH Power ‘Multipurpose Pine Gel Fabric Conditioner Refill 02 Stain Remover 150g Assorted 4 Og N e | is Sunlighn S a mech ae q JIK PLUSH HARPIC MR MIN SUNBEAM COBRA B AIRWICK canrane White & Shine Multi Surface Floor Polish Assorted 350m! / Relax pace Air Freshener Mekiparrocslll . Multipurpose Cleaner COBRA Floor Polish Tile h 6 | tavender Thick Bleach = ‘Thick Bleach tavernion Lavender 350ml Cleaner ‘Assorted Assorted Ve Lavender i i Sand Cate Value | = on — So Pack 5 99 fac 99 Neg 99 Gray” ee , ) } 1 ie on LIS? a! 4 Je _— KIWI ‘TWINSAVER CONTE rg) panne Black Shoe Polish faxmy 2 Py 3 Premium 1 Ply 5 Liquid 200 Sheets 3 a ee rainy f ay oe Toilet Tissue = ws vi ih Rolls: S 7m A on AAT foc ea “ re | b~* HOME SQUARE HOME SQUARE HOME SQUARE Premium Premium Glass Kettle Stainless Steel Hotplate Cees aoe AT BOXER | eee EKHAYA MALL STORE ONLY rei a roman ahs spay pe pea 6037-9 ‘ange ay Vary. coats tot

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