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Current special Boxer - Valid from 25.08 to 07.09 - Page nb 7

Special Boxer 25.08.2022 - 07.09.2022

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i elise * AS SEENON . SURF Hand Washing Powder 2 x 2kg PRT emcee te) cD heccte at! We Cea etn DOUBLE Your Gran; ri rsa ay any 2 Advertiseq = Mbos on This Leaflet IPETITION AYE eid slay Mary You could be a WINNER! Ge) es ‘SUNLIGHT Laundry Soap 500g at] ca = G HOME SQUARE Double Burner Hotplate & HOME SQUARE Premium Stainless Steel Hotplate & HOME SQUARE Stainless Steel Kettle 1.8L ) HOME SQUARE Premium Glass Kettle 1.7L tame / Lied Meet Al aM elite LL aL LAG edad freer on we wl Pe aertct cay cern aecte cere Ms a ce icosey fe ry "Ff hittp:// [Ml @BoxerStores + ¥ + Boxer Customer Careline : 0860 026937 « » Download the BOXER

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i elise * AS SEENON . SURF Hand Washing Powder 2 x 2kg PRT emcee te) cD heccte at! We Cea etn DOUBLE Your Gran; ri rsa ay any 2 Advertiseq = Mbos on This Leaflet IPETITION AYE eid slay Mary You could be a WINNER! Ge) es ‘SUNLIGHT Laundry Soap 500g at] ca = G HOME SQUARE Double Burner Hotplate & HOME SQUARE Premium Stainless Steel Hotplate & HOME SQUARE Stainless Steel Kettle 1.8L ) HOME SQUARE Premium Glass Kettle 1.7L tame / Lied Meet Al aM elite LL aL LAG edad freer on we wl Pe aertct cay cern aecte cere Ms a ce icosey fe ry "Ff hittp:// [Ml @BoxerStores + ¥ + Boxer Customer Careline : 0860 026937 « » Download the BOXER

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