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Current special Boxer - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 24.11 to 07.12 - Page nb 3

Special Boxer 24.11.2022 - 07.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

MAMA'S atc) tae Chakalaka Wors Russians bees Ca) : Frozen ; PTC) Feet (Large) Value Chicken brs ty Drumsticks UR Ces LL PC tLe LC a ns (EWA ed Brisket / Chuck / Rashers) PEC cy (Class A) ja SS aS ‘spurt | pur & aC SAVE MORE WITH OUR DEALS ON MEALS SETI Puss“ { twiesston A otattiog tLe ate Sgn) —C—E——==a

Latest specials

MAMA'S atc) tae Chakalaka Wors Russians bees Ca) : Frozen ; PTC) Feet (Large) Value Chicken brs ty Drumsticks UR Ces LL PC tLe LC a ns (EWA ed Brisket / Chuck / Rashers) PEC cy (Class A) ja SS aS ‘spurt | pur & aC SAVE MORE WITH OUR DEALS ON MEALS SETI Puss“ { twiesston A otattiog tLe ate Sgn) —C—E——==a

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