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Current special Baby City - Valid from 12.02 to 12.03 - Page nb 10

Special Baby City 12.02.2025 - 12.03.2025

Products in this catalogue

“» BETTER MATERNITY By the end of month two, the umbilical cord is fully functional, transporting blood and oxygen to the developing baby which is now called a foetus. Now the foetus is roughly 2.5cm long and weights about 10g but is taking on a human form. You can hear the heartbeat, and the foetus is in constant motion, which can't yet be felt by the mother. This is a time of rapid growth and distinct facial features start to develop. Fingers and toes are no longer webbed and are now fully formed, along with arms and legs. Finger nails and toe nails grow and teeth and tastebuds are forming, along with muscles and body shape. Genitals also start to appear but are not yet clearly visible on an ultrasound screening. The foetus is as busy as can be, opening and closing its fists and mouth. Elbows, knees and ankles are working, and the bones are strengthening. By the 12-week mark, the most critical development has happened and the foetus is actually fully formed. The incidence of miscarriage now diminishes and there could be some relief from morning sickness too. However, even though the foetus’s body systems and organs are formed, at three months it cannot survive independently. After all, the growing baby has only been developing for 12 of the usual 40 to 42 weeks optimally needed before birth. Only in the second trimester - sometimes as early as 14 weeks, but generally between 18 and 21 weeks. =

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“» BETTER MATERNITY By the end of month two, the umbilical cord is fully functional, transporting blood and oxygen to the developing baby which is now called a foetus. Now the foetus is roughly 2.5cm long and weights about 10g but is taking on a human form. You can hear the heartbeat, and the foetus is in constant motion, which can't yet be felt by the mother. This is a time of rapid growth and distinct facial features start to develop. Fingers and toes are no longer webbed and are now fully formed, along with arms and legs. Finger nails and toe nails grow and teeth and tastebuds are forming, along with muscles and body shape. Genitals also start to appear but are not yet clearly visible on an ultrasound screening. The foetus is as busy as can be, opening and closing its fists and mouth. Elbows, knees and ankles are working, and the bones are strengthening. By the 12-week mark, the most critical development has happened and the foetus is actually fully formed. The incidence of miscarriage now diminishes and there could be some relief from morning sickness too. However, even though the foetus’s body systems and organs are formed, at three months it cannot survive independently. After all, the growing baby has only been developing for 12 of the usual 40 to 42 weeks optimally needed before birth. Only in the second trimester - sometimes as early as 14 weeks, but generally between 18 and 21 weeks. =

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