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Current special AMC Cookware - New Year - Valid from 08.01 to 07.02 - Page nb 6

Special AMC Cookware 08.01.2023 - 07.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

a PRICELIST Start the year with cookware that you will cook in - for life. No Deposit on Interest Free Credit Orders AND delayed billing! 25% discount on AMC Special Combinations. PRODUCT SPECIAL COMBINATIONS Special Combination 3 2003 (20 em Gourmet Low and 20 cm Gourmet High) R5974.00 from R 224.00 permonth | R 1992.00 2004 Se eanelbone ay uy Gourmet Lowand24) pso1500 | fromR221.79permonth | R 1972.00 ©2005 Pinte Seeacatke snd Seem onePe Pan) R9049.00 | fromR339.33permonth | R 3017.00 2006 Pane plu indctign cocker and Chefs Pan) | 5033.00 | ffomR 188.71 permonth | R 1678.00 2008 aoea eae a anne CauirneCLew) R5187.00 | fromR194.50permonth | R 1729.00 2009 See camel (1o.em Gourmet Lowzand R5022.00 | fromR188.29permonth | R 1675.00 2011 eee eaten tt ca Gourmet Dome Fry | 7799.00 | fromR289.08 permonth | R 2570.00 e2piag) special Combination 14 R18098.00 | fromR678.67 per month | R 6 033.00 (40 cm Magnum and AMC Urn) Special Combination 16 (76 pc. Impression Cutlery 2016 | oor and E ‘dge Knives Complete Set) R3913.00 from R 146.71 per month | R 1305.00 Special Combination 17 C2017 | (AMC Braai and 30 om Braai Server) R6 519.00 from R 244.46 permonth | R 2174.00 C2018 SOC Cur etch cn R7265.00 | fromR272.42permonth | R 2422.00 ©2019 Caen Gombination t 30cm Gourmet esti) R8375.00 | fromR314.04permonth | R 2792.00 2020 Special Combination 20 (30 cm Electric Frying Pan R16 230.00 from R 608.63 per month | R5 410.00 and 30 cm Gourmet Super High) PROMOTION PERIOD: 8 JAN hile stocks last

Latest specials

a PRICELIST Start the year with cookware that you will cook in - for life. No Deposit on Interest Free Credit Orders AND delayed billing! 25% discount on AMC Special Combinations. PRODUCT SPECIAL COMBINATIONS Special Combination 3 2003 (20 em Gourmet Low and 20 cm Gourmet High) R5974.00 from R 224.00 permonth | R 1992.00 2004 Se eanelbone ay uy Gourmet Lowand24) pso1500 | fromR221.79permonth | R 1972.00 ©2005 Pinte Seeacatke snd Seem onePe Pan) R9049.00 | fromR339.33permonth | R 3017.00 2006 Pane plu indctign cocker and Chefs Pan) | 5033.00 | ffomR 188.71 permonth | R 1678.00 2008 aoea eae a anne CauirneCLew) R5187.00 | fromR194.50permonth | R 1729.00 2009 See camel (1o.em Gourmet Lowzand R5022.00 | fromR188.29permonth | R 1675.00 2011 eee eaten tt ca Gourmet Dome Fry | 7799.00 | fromR289.08 permonth | R 2570.00 e2piag) special Combination 14 R18098.00 | fromR678.67 per month | R 6 033.00 (40 cm Magnum and AMC Urn) Special Combination 16 (76 pc. Impression Cutlery 2016 | oor and E ‘dge Knives Complete Set) R3913.00 from R 146.71 per month | R 1305.00 Special Combination 17 C2017 | (AMC Braai and 30 om Braai Server) R6 519.00 from R 244.46 permonth | R 2174.00 C2018 SOC Cur etch cn R7265.00 | fromR272.42permonth | R 2422.00 ©2019 Caen Gombination t 30cm Gourmet esti) R8375.00 | fromR314.04permonth | R 2792.00 2020 Special Combination 20 (30 cm Electric Frying Pan R16 230.00 from R 608.63 per month | R5 410.00 and 30 cm Gourmet Super High) PROMOTION PERIOD: 8 JAN hile stocks last

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