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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 03.07 to 09.07 - Page nb 6

Special Advance Cash&Carry 03.07.2023 - 09.07.2023

Products in this catalogue

P- ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 ennai BOUL ES SSCA TSC nT Bokomo Corn Flakes } Kelloggs Corn Flakes | Bokomo Weet Bix } Kelloggs All Bran so9 Early Morning} Laitaliana Bokomo Jungle La Italiana 5 sot 9009 X = Oats Oats a _Oats Dats Munchies carn, ee : = es d___ 78h 15 Suis Be yea ai pel | WEER | as Pa) ec =| eS * ) 65 Cs FE Super White} ‘Super Sun White Star’ Ace Morvite Nestle Ouma Instant} Instant} Instant} Instant Instant Cerelac Rusks porridge fp p: Porridge j Porridge! ridge = Porridge} g Roe ee Te Provita e_] ec a ? le a Cot =e Nescafe} Acell Tekker Coffee 125 Kloof Coffee : a i - Cappuccing _ Cottee A= ‘nn ‘ Fo Hug in al m50 x 16's - ) Mug) Be capaci : — =e: lb, © ee ae One oe Tealiags Teaspoon Tips || Glen Teabags jeaba 8) COW 255: Teabags | 255 vs cma er =a Trinco Teabags | Nescafe Classic || Jacobs Kronung Coffee Nestle . Nestum} " 52s Strips 20s| Frisco No1 Hot = Nescafe! oon Chocolate e Gold .)Ginger Tea Green Tea due Cuppa) Clover | Wir } Kreema} © Creamer si 7500} aii" 750 Eleven O'Clock Rooibos] Freshpak Rooibos [Laager Rooibos, First Choice | Ultra Mel Custard Clover} First Gover Fat peu Clover 4 — » Amasi = Choice son oll = Antes c 5009 = a , Custard ea Li pi el al lia. A | . ‘500ml tpt . S— Farmgate sennhitst Choice] Gm Ultra Mel Milk == Clover DewFresh Parmalat Milk} )ycrete Milk EverFresh} ‘=. Bonnita 8 Prisma 2" Milk) Cheese Slices! G's Lt x 6 Parmalat milk = Milk S00mi x 6's} § ream 41 t x 6's : By Mls ri u sore Joh a oO, 3 ee row ‘om Clover First Choice com sereene Rondo Oe Wooden Spoon 7 Rama} d'lite _ fits |. Cheese Slices Cheese Slice 900 500g Margarine prune News argarine Fist Choice] aaa | (SES, B : ss. ; utter 501 ¥ cota Ronde = ok = ae Aura, Holsum Fat} Sols Heas Goldi Goldi Rainbow baypreak Goldi Rainbow White 125g) swoxivs Goldi mala SupPack Chicken Rainbow “tame Meck eo = Chicken Sopa Fack i E 1 2's raal thy x 12's ax Inkuku Pack TAneow Chicken —ares* fae ae > => | . aS a = = E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

Latest specials

P- ADVANCE Tel: 087 095 7076, 012 379 6050 ennai BOUL ES SSCA TSC nT Bokomo Corn Flakes } Kelloggs Corn Flakes | Bokomo Weet Bix } Kelloggs All Bran so9 Early Morning} Laitaliana Bokomo Jungle La Italiana 5 sot 9009 X = Oats Oats a _Oats Dats Munchies carn, ee : = es d___ 78h 15 Suis Be yea ai pel | WEER | as Pa) ec =| eS * ) 65 Cs FE Super White} ‘Super Sun White Star’ Ace Morvite Nestle Ouma Instant} Instant} Instant} Instant Instant Cerelac Rusks porridge fp p: Porridge j Porridge! ridge = Porridge} g Roe ee Te Provita e_] ec a ? le a Cot =e Nescafe} Acell Tekker Coffee 125 Kloof Coffee : a i - Cappuccing _ Cottee A= ‘nn ‘ Fo Hug in al m50 x 16's - ) Mug) Be capaci : — =e: lb, © ee ae One oe Tealiags Teaspoon Tips || Glen Teabags jeaba 8) COW 255: Teabags | 255 vs cma er =a Trinco Teabags | Nescafe Classic || Jacobs Kronung Coffee Nestle . Nestum} " 52s Strips 20s| Frisco No1 Hot = Nescafe! oon Chocolate e Gold .)Ginger Tea Green Tea due Cuppa) Clover | Wir } Kreema} © Creamer si 7500} aii" 750 Eleven O'Clock Rooibos] Freshpak Rooibos [Laager Rooibos, First Choice | Ultra Mel Custard Clover} First Gover Fat peu Clover 4 — » Amasi = Choice son oll = Antes c 5009 = a , Custard ea Li pi el al lia. A | . ‘500ml tpt . S— Farmgate sennhitst Choice] Gm Ultra Mel Milk == Clover DewFresh Parmalat Milk} )ycrete Milk EverFresh} ‘=. Bonnita 8 Prisma 2" Milk) Cheese Slices! G's Lt x 6 Parmalat milk = Milk S00mi x 6's} § ream 41 t x 6's : By Mls ri u sore Joh a oO, 3 ee row ‘om Clover First Choice com sereene Rondo Oe Wooden Spoon 7 Rama} d'lite _ fits |. Cheese Slices Cheese Slice 900 500g Margarine prune News argarine Fist Choice] aaa | (SES, B : ss. ; utter 501 ¥ cota Ronde = ok = ae Aura, Holsum Fat} Sols Heas Goldi Goldi Rainbow baypreak Goldi Rainbow White 125g) swoxivs Goldi mala SupPack Chicken Rainbow “tame Meck eo = Chicken Sopa Fack i E 1 2's raal thy x 12's ax Inkuku Pack TAneow Chicken —ares* fae ae > => | . aS a = = E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only

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