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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 24.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 24.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

‘Casablanca| 135cm Maxi Casablanca ‘Chest Flobe of Drawers Ns3490, Ns2499, NS400 NS400 0 E 4S200 via 9tem Firm Support Foam Mattress Deposit NS270. S128 x24 Months. Sta 24 Months Nebo 24 Months 107cm = Homestead Dawson : Double Bunk Robe ° Mattresses, bedding and 187om Firm Support accessories Foam Mattress not included NS1799 each, ‘Save NS200 Deposit NS850. NS299 x 24 Months. Neo 24 Month & 152cm Georgia Base Set SUPREME 152cm Mkuze Pillow-Top Base Set ee u (CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0961 11 32 13 MIRE ase ees 3 Prices adhernd are applicable thin Nambia on ees ce dept VAT ad ance charges, bit excideturnce and dee charges, ess teense slated in ear, rol fesse ot le hn tees mechs and ee mss & test paypal adc to ensue rapid reponse to your cet appaton, ay-by arable on sled stock. Ene in-store forme deta, Standard Tes and Canons apy. procs nccatedinites are net vale. Stoll yu fr any SS stencheaper at any ter eae, rode aque caret catalogue and we lk he erence pi 5% fe ditlsene. Ths ctl nthe dy lB purchase Frm OK Furie an he perl wich the ce ro OK Furie ai fc ae lteter Tes or exces Seo Opis. Clerancns and Lied Cnty es. Peds re avaliable ta lances ever, a as ang, pods may nc ncassaly be on day all tes Recess pj ae all depljed as eras and ao ric add th advert pec. Te delay payee i appeaeocntactstht ae 18 rx dro kee By ble SO Mover 2022 aid ey tart py your Ws rant on 1 Febuary 2023 'S Shalt an err oz oricomplt tama be pron is abersumant, we wl ely aaa n-th a hw cet dts. BRANCHES: GOBABIS: (0026) 62 SASS, GROOTFONTEI (00254) 67 240672, KATATURA: (0024) 6210234 : KATIMA MULILO: (00264) 66 252574, FEETMANSHOOP: (1254) 63 225071, KAMAND,A: (1254 62 500611, ONDANGWA: (0025465241148, OSHAKAT: (0024) 65 222454, OSHIKANGO: (0264) 65 265333, OTUMARONGO: (0264 67 30475, cuter: 00264) 6 251482, REMOBOT: 064) 2 52340, RUNDL (AEA) 6 25156, SWAKOPMUND (264) 6445728, UME: (26) 6 21518, WAL BA (00264) 64 200197, NDHOEX: ze 6 2ssct manera: onzed) WUT = NT Ww O) (65 212080, MEAD OFFICE: +27 11455 700 No Dealers alowed EBOE. Doron ee eee

Latest specials

‘Casablanca| 135cm Maxi Casablanca ‘Chest Flobe of Drawers Ns3490, Ns2499, NS400 NS400 0 E 4S200 via 9tem Firm Support Foam Mattress Deposit NS270. S128 x24 Months. Sta 24 Months Nebo 24 Months 107cm = Homestead Dawson : Double Bunk Robe ° Mattresses, bedding and 187om Firm Support accessories Foam Mattress not included NS1799 each, ‘Save NS200 Deposit NS850. NS299 x 24 Months. Neo 24 Month & 152cm Georgia Base Set SUPREME 152cm Mkuze Pillow-Top Base Set ee u (CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0961 11 32 13 MIRE ase ees 3 Prices adhernd are applicable thin Nambia on ees ce dept VAT ad ance charges, bit excideturnce and dee charges, ess teense slated in ear, rol fesse ot le hn tees mechs and ee mss & test paypal adc to ensue rapid reponse to your cet appaton, ay-by arable on sled stock. Ene in-store forme deta, Standard Tes and Canons apy. procs nccatedinites are net vale. Stoll yu fr any SS stencheaper at any ter eae, rode aque caret catalogue and we lk he erence pi 5% fe ditlsene. Ths ctl nthe dy lB purchase Frm OK Furie an he perl wich the ce ro OK Furie ai fc ae lteter Tes or exces Seo Opis. Clerancns and Lied Cnty es. Peds re avaliable ta lances ever, a as ang, pods may nc ncassaly be on day all tes Recess pj ae all depljed as eras and ao ric add th advert pec. Te delay payee i appeaeocntactstht ae 18 rx dro kee By ble SO Mover 2022 aid ey tart py your Ws rant on 1 Febuary 2023 'S Shalt an err oz oricomplt tama be pron is abersumant, we wl ely aaa n-th a hw cet dts. BRANCHES: GOBABIS: (0026) 62 SASS, GROOTFONTEI (00254) 67 240672, KATATURA: (0024) 6210234 : KATIMA MULILO: (00264) 66 252574, FEETMANSHOOP: (1254) 63 225071, KAMAND,A: (1254 62 500611, ONDANGWA: (0025465241148, OSHAKAT: (0024) 65 222454, OSHIKANGO: (0264) 65 265333, OTUMARONGO: (0264 67 30475, cuter: 00264) 6 251482, REMOBOT: 064) 2 52340, RUNDL (AEA) 6 25156, SWAKOPMUND (264) 6445728, UME: (26) 6 21518, WAL BA (00264) 64 200197, NDHOEX: ze 6 2ssct manera: onzed) WUT = NT Ww O) (65 212080, MEAD OFFICE: +27 11455 700 No Dealers alowed EBOE. Doron ee eee

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