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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 07.11 to 20.11 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 07.11.2022 - 20.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

a tap) esa Eau aga) Nels Pisces H310BIT-WD SAVE «400 oo £229 x 30 Months. Total Payable E6699 at 24% Int. DEFY Satin-Metallic Bottom-Freezer Fridge with Water Dispenser DAC449 ©3 +2 Years (with registration) Warranty White Chest Freezer DMF470 CF210HC *3 +2 Years (with registration) Warranty ENERGY RATING 1H 860mm W 751mm D 725mm . SAVE®200 -— 2 E2899 Deposit E290. E129 x 30 Months. PCILSSSLISTA ots Payable £2009 at 24% Int. fa Hisense ae White Chest Freezer H 800m wtemen H125CF a *2-Year B | 406men Guarantee E5699 £5999 Deposit £570. Deposit £600. E239 x 30 Months. £249 x 30 Months. Total “ £7089 Total Payable £7449 at 24% Int. at 24% Int. eaeo Hisense rat rons Inox-Finish Metallic Bottom- Bottom-Freezer Freezer Fridge with —_ Fridge with Water Dispenser Water Dispenser KBF631ME H415BIT-WD 2-Year Guarantee “ENERGY ENERGY, * 5-Year Guarantee D 587mm RATING RATING 1H 1600mm . H 1590mm 'W_ 540mm W 600mm D 618mm / " nM é a PV tee VAST ES) Suit UN Ca Pe a SAVE £1000 E12999 Deposit £1300. 529 x 30 Months, Total Payable £15879 at 24% Int. DEFY, Satin-Metallic Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge with Water Dispenser DFF447/458 © 3+ 2 Years (with registration) Warranty oa ENERGY RATING.

Latest specials

a tap) esa Eau aga) Nels Pisces H310BIT-WD SAVE «400 oo £229 x 30 Months. Total Payable E6699 at 24% Int. DEFY Satin-Metallic Bottom-Freezer Fridge with Water Dispenser DAC449 ©3 +2 Years (with registration) Warranty White Chest Freezer DMF470 CF210HC *3 +2 Years (with registration) Warranty ENERGY RATING 1H 860mm W 751mm D 725mm . SAVE®200 -— 2 E2899 Deposit E290. E129 x 30 Months. PCILSSSLISTA ots Payable £2009 at 24% Int. fa Hisense ae White Chest Freezer H 800m wtemen H125CF a *2-Year B | 406men Guarantee E5699 £5999 Deposit £570. Deposit £600. E239 x 30 Months. £249 x 30 Months. Total “ £7089 Total Payable £7449 at 24% Int. at 24% Int. eaeo Hisense rat rons Inox-Finish Metallic Bottom- Bottom-Freezer Freezer Fridge with —_ Fridge with Water Dispenser Water Dispenser KBF631ME H415BIT-WD 2-Year Guarantee “ENERGY ENERGY, * 5-Year Guarantee D 587mm RATING RATING 1H 1600mm . H 1590mm 'W_ 540mm W 600mm D 618mm / " nM é a PV tee VAST ES) Suit UN Ca Pe a SAVE £1000 E12999 Deposit £1300. 529 x 30 Months, Total Payable £15879 at 24% Int. DEFY, Satin-Metallic Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge with Water Dispenser DFF447/458 © 3+ 2 Years (with registration) Warranty oa ENERGY RATING.

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