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Current special Makro - Valid from 23.09 to 09.10 - Page nb 9

Special Makro 23.09.2022 - 09.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Willer TL ety | RYOBI RYOol RYOBI RYOpl 30 W Rotary Tool with 40-Piece 130. W Mouse Sander kit 800 W Belt Sander 850 W Reciprocating Sow setae Gg erecta ee Or ge cham aster ee or ERE dy sone aoe a) SAVE 50 SAVE 50 SAVE 100 SAVE 150 549 449 1299 1249 RYOBI 185.8 om 1250 Ww Bie! as DREMEL 130 W 3000 Multitool Five 28 Accessories Kit RYObI RYOBI {only a eeeutsere 254 mm 1500 W Table Sow 210 mm 1200 W Compound Mitre Saw Work Bench pct cide varasse : 2 Means 100, 1 ros Nerd teal ip lls wai sy ne teenies sramnate eae seis nn ONv fina aay ei rower oth sl nw gerdiamen desnsnel tian her sonar peaaiay 1 flere oo: fon Se ere Md ee stig, SAVE 100 Be fe SAVE200 owt ?"™ SAVE 300 | pinng?s ts? SAVE 100 1299 = 4299 2199 399 40/2022 Mokre DTP/TM_MKNTGM43. Promotion valid from Fridey 22 Seplember to Sunday 9 October 2022 9 makro #

Latest specials

Willer TL ety | RYOBI RYOol RYOBI RYOpl 30 W Rotary Tool with 40-Piece 130. W Mouse Sander kit 800 W Belt Sander 850 W Reciprocating Sow setae Gg erecta ee Or ge cham aster ee or ERE dy sone aoe a) SAVE 50 SAVE 50 SAVE 100 SAVE 150 549 449 1299 1249 RYOBI 185.8 om 1250 Ww Bie! as DREMEL 130 W 3000 Multitool Five 28 Accessories Kit RYObI RYOBI {only a eeeutsere 254 mm 1500 W Table Sow 210 mm 1200 W Compound Mitre Saw Work Bench pct cide varasse : 2 Means 100, 1 ros Nerd teal ip lls wai sy ne teenies sramnate eae seis nn ONv fina aay ei rower oth sl nw gerdiamen desnsnel tian her sonar peaaiay 1 flere oo: fon Se ere Md ee stig, SAVE 100 Be fe SAVE200 owt ?"™ SAVE 300 | pinng?s ts? SAVE 100 1299 = 4299 2199 399 40/2022 Mokre DTP/TM_MKNTGM43. Promotion valid from Fridey 22 Seplember to Sunday 9 October 2022 9 makro #

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