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Current special Makro - Valid from 22.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 5

Special Makro 22.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

< x reece : nee Nese CLOVER Cromora Coffes and Tea Creamer Condensed Milk (Ad wert anthony Dee [ 48%) [450 | 18 480 | 80° xa | awe oo’ ibrestipe resipee iy ore wif om Pre) when you shop at aa i : ence FIRST VALUE Coke Wheat Flour Porboiled Rice Red Speckled Beans igNO VAT o 1 | \ z = oe NYALA Tea irc FATTI'S & MONI’S FIRST VALUE (AUNT CAROLINE Mo Macaroni or Spaghetti Porboiled Rice Parboiled Rice isaac} 300 | 1°. 95 | [280 | 28" stp =—z I aap

Latest specials

< x reece : nee Nese CLOVER Cromora Coffes and Tea Creamer Condensed Milk (Ad wert anthony Dee [ 48%) [450 | 18 480 | 80° xa | awe oo’ ibrestipe resipee iy ore wif om Pre) when you shop at aa i : ence FIRST VALUE Coke Wheat Flour Porboiled Rice Red Speckled Beans igNO VAT o 1 | \ z = oe NYALA Tea irc FATTI'S & MONI’S FIRST VALUE (AUNT CAROLINE Mo Macaroni or Spaghetti Porboiled Rice Parboiled Rice isaac} 300 | 1°. 95 | [280 | 28" stp =—z I aap

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