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Current special Makro - Valid from 20.03 to 02.04 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 20.03.2025 - 02.04.2025

Products in this catalogue

NESTLE Kitkat 4-Finger Chocolate Bars (allvariants) MISTER SWEET yhampion Toffees (Atvariants) farge Lunch Bars (avariants) PO eit ough inal pack Te 5 ougitin ud pack HALLS CHAPPIES Mini Fizzers Lozenges Bag Bubblegum (ait varisnts) (alt variants) (altvariants) 10° Large Bar One Tex Chocolate Bar 56« 36° ought nba pk ) ° ¥ \ y SM 12x200, Mary) aes cs MG steer, ei acne 1ONSTER Unt price when bought = Bea Energy Drink it Nectar a 1 a Leh Cy [Cry rg il Eircom Guus LIQUI FRUIT iI 207 ee ane feos DoriTos (Avariants) reo 6" bough inal pack UELLE Sparkling or Still Water mS erty oe recon 10" ene bought nul pack boven ul pack Pena 7 bought in bul pack =o» PARMALAT MEADOWLAND Steri Stumpie Flavoured Milk (alt variants) sique FANTA, SPRITE, Delight Topping tAltvarints SCHWEPPES Soda Water eo J a nN a 777 i 2 = ig = 65" wuraioar e Rarmaiat @, 70% Fat Spread 3 Original Brick 1} eskort = me) =. eres ae PARMALAT 99% PAINBOW: Process Cheese Slices ,UstPiaren ones == Frozen Chicken all wart 7 = , . = vied Portions Star ea BSSBBo WM Bvraitrice SH) SS ¢ ttverons FS tes Ghicken th testes sairo's French Polon ake Y = => piss wom, Gy - feo Catal = Ga TEENDX Denim Full Apron ESTEEM us-Piece curtery ser RTESTL) m =m NEeratts eras tales tel Gea cee Wea 9.5 LChafing Dish Fintccatery tay Stainless steel, oma sea LHILL Food. Traders. CAPE Prices valid from Thursday 20 March 2025 to Wednesday 02 Aprit 2025 ala -8 ae

Latest specials

NESTLE Kitkat 4-Finger Chocolate Bars (allvariants) MISTER SWEET yhampion Toffees (Atvariants) farge Lunch Bars (avariants) PO eit ough inal pack Te 5 ougitin ud pack HALLS CHAPPIES Mini Fizzers Lozenges Bag Bubblegum (ait varisnts) (alt variants) (altvariants) 10° Large Bar One Tex Chocolate Bar 56« 36° ought nba pk ) ° ¥ \ y SM 12x200, Mary) aes cs MG steer, ei acne 1ONSTER Unt price when bought = Bea Energy Drink it Nectar a 1 a Leh Cy [Cry rg il Eircom Guus LIQUI FRUIT iI 207 ee ane feos DoriTos (Avariants) reo 6" bough inal pack UELLE Sparkling or Still Water mS erty oe recon 10" ene bought nul pack boven ul pack Pena 7 bought in bul pack =o» PARMALAT MEADOWLAND Steri Stumpie Flavoured Milk (alt variants) sique FANTA, SPRITE, Delight Topping tAltvarints SCHWEPPES Soda Water eo J a nN a 777 i 2 = ig = 65" wuraioar e Rarmaiat @, 70% Fat Spread 3 Original Brick 1} eskort = me) =. eres ae PARMALAT 99% PAINBOW: Process Cheese Slices ,UstPiaren ones == Frozen Chicken all wart 7 = , . = vied Portions Star ea BSSBBo WM Bvraitrice SH) SS ¢ ttverons FS tes Ghicken th testes sairo's French Polon ake Y = => piss wom, Gy - feo Catal = Ga TEENDX Denim Full Apron ESTEEM us-Piece curtery ser RTESTL) m =m NEeratts eras tales tel Gea cee Wea 9.5 LChafing Dish Fintccatery tay Stainless steel, oma sea LHILL Food. Traders. CAPE Prices valid from Thursday 20 March 2025 to Wednesday 02 Aprit 2025 ala -8 ae

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