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Current special Makro - Valid from 24.02 to 09.03 - Page nb 9

Special Makro 24.02.2025 - 09.03.2025

Products in this catalogue

SoA bs Save 15% PEPSI, MIRINDA, PEPSI, MIRINDA, 8 MOUNTAIN DE\ MOUNTAIN DEW URA sparkling Flavoured Pl UP s Soft Dink Bottles Equates to Soft Drink Bott Equates to exszom Equates to heap R5%each Sof 2ank Botttes re Drink Rileach een = Stata « ce ft} Buy any 6-pack a) and get a 1L FREE os i j ; Save 18% a 120 cimsy SIN Yh LIPTON 6% Squash iceTea Concentrate PLEAZER exs0om ise Sparkling Fruit ui iauvarane) Save 22% SNM E Sy mroranceorrascas wanaice TEASER Ce aust MR ORANGE Concentrated Sparkling Fruit Juice 63 Squash Fruit Juice ivan ‘ BAKERS TINKIES Provita Kips ‘Sponge (attacone Cakes me (attvaniants (aaron 2008, 6x0 Lindt K fh Ar es : ee 2 Ma Gah Ee a | unr sumem MERCED vs GEE Seo errr) BORO Exceucnce MISERY) Jack Turkish LINDT LINDT FUTURELIFE or LINDOR Meowave Detight Chocolate hocolate High Chocolate Popeom =e rts fiver SSP Givers favre ese i See i s00e : ‘008 makro»>

Latest specials

SoA bs Save 15% PEPSI, MIRINDA, PEPSI, MIRINDA, 8 MOUNTAIN DE\ MOUNTAIN DEW URA sparkling Flavoured Pl UP s Soft Dink Bottles Equates to Soft Drink Bott Equates to exszom Equates to heap R5%each Sof 2ank Botttes re Drink Rileach een = Stata « ce ft} Buy any 6-pack a) and get a 1L FREE os i j ; Save 18% a 120 cimsy SIN Yh LIPTON 6% Squash iceTea Concentrate PLEAZER exs0om ise Sparkling Fruit ui iauvarane) Save 22% SNM E Sy mroranceorrascas wanaice TEASER Ce aust MR ORANGE Concentrated Sparkling Fruit Juice 63 Squash Fruit Juice ivan ‘ BAKERS TINKIES Provita Kips ‘Sponge (attacone Cakes me (attvaniants (aaron 2008, 6x0 Lindt K fh Ar es : ee 2 Ma Gah Ee a | unr sumem MERCED vs GEE Seo errr) BORO Exceucnce MISERY) Jack Turkish LINDT LINDT FUTURELIFE or LINDOR Meowave Detight Chocolate hocolate High Chocolate Popeom =e rts fiver SSP Givers favre ese i See i s00e : ‘008 makro»>

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