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Current special Checkers - Valid from 17.10 to 06.11 - Page nb 13

Special Checkers 17.10.2022 - 06.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

aa ‘ANY 2FOR ‘Wagales Cat Food ‘Dr Hahnz Cat Food ‘Bon Appétit Cat Food An variants 24189 ‘i Varante 2x 4159 ‘At Variants 3x 85g tS « 53 t | aD | TANY 2 FOR FREE DEAL Pern or <= Perrin Epol Feline Cutsine Berit cat Food UY Catmor Cat Food Al Variants hg. 7840 & at Food Aivaronts ‘GEr Gat Food Pouches At Voronts 2 859 FREE! ‘nuvatonts 2% 2x9 = Or Hahn Cat Food na variants ar Or Cat Liter No é Buy § 4 Mee SAVERS a Nature's Bounty Pt — oz EED ‘pore Seed 2g 09, Moced Foai Seed 819 954,09 Drakenaberg Drakensberg Marttons Topical! Pet shop Pet Toye et Shap Leasvcotar ‘Wis Bird Sood tOkg'R3499 Mixed Bird Sees Dwerne Panot Pood Goidtan Fish Food at Wty BUY ANY 2& SAVE R40 Aa ui a FY y & BRAND ¥ ¥Y OFTHE ¥ co ae SOFA § xoxo yy cet Regal Pet Health Flea Spray Frontline Dog Tick KE ‘Skin/Joint/Anaiety Remedy en, FRONTLINE [ei THANKS FOR HELPING US WIN! >. FRONTLINE’ is the proud recipient of the Brand of the Year award from the World Branding Awards. We can't tell you how bees much your support means to us. OFFERS VALIO FROM 17 OCTOBER 2022 UNTIL 6 NOVEMBER 2

Latest specials

aa ‘ANY 2FOR ‘Wagales Cat Food ‘Dr Hahnz Cat Food ‘Bon Appétit Cat Food An variants 24189 ‘i Varante 2x 4159 ‘At Variants 3x 85g tS « 53 t | aD | TANY 2 FOR FREE DEAL Pern or <= Perrin Epol Feline Cutsine Berit cat Food UY Catmor Cat Food Al Variants hg. 7840 & at Food Aivaronts ‘GEr Gat Food Pouches At Voronts 2 859 FREE! ‘nuvatonts 2% 2x9 = Or Hahn Cat Food na variants ar Or Cat Liter No é Buy § 4 Mee SAVERS a Nature's Bounty Pt — oz EED ‘pore Seed 2g 09, Moced Foai Seed 819 954,09 Drakenaberg Drakensberg Marttons Topical! Pet shop Pet Toye et Shap Leasvcotar ‘Wis Bird Sood tOkg'R3499 Mixed Bird Sees Dwerne Panot Pood Goidtan Fish Food at Wty BUY ANY 2& SAVE R40 Aa ui a FY y & BRAND ¥ ¥Y OFTHE ¥ co ae SOFA § xoxo yy cet Regal Pet Health Flea Spray Frontline Dog Tick KE ‘Skin/Joint/Anaiety Remedy en, FRONTLINE [ei THANKS FOR HELPING US WIN! >. FRONTLINE’ is the proud recipient of the Brand of the Year award from the World Branding Awards. We can't tell you how bees much your support means to us. OFFERS VALIO FROM 17 OCTOBER 2022 UNTIL 6 NOVEMBER 2

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