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Current special Builders Warehouse - Valid from 10.01 to 06.02 - Page nb 8

Special Builders Warehouse 10.01.2023 - 06.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

20 kg Tile Adhesive sects poeta "49 ‘ndy at Bulders (73429) 20 kg Gold Star Adhesive 6-hour dryieg tine: Porcelain (5902) Porcelain ‘Combo Mosaic igh street 8 for pp ‘sed in Swen Woot Con be oot: No yeshg required (47739) Get it instatied trom R9S/e. Buy vouchers online ot ask "165 ox Instore ECOTEC Mercury Tiles 380 mm «380 mm: 1s grade; 2.45 en Avaabie in grey, beige 1 own (753958, 743559, 743360) Belgotex- "B2Qim Leisure Plus Grass Rug 1Smx2m(77I676) E193, Page 8 of 16 5 kg Tile Grout ‘Avatable in grey or white ‘Cemeet-based: Only at Builders (468338; 468337) tylon 20kg Self-levelling Screed W270; Rap eatalition Recess of oes, Raps Seting. Easy appicaton (349) Gala Tile Range 330 mm x 330 mm: Ceraenic walt [8 oor tes: It grade, 18 ‘Avaiable in grey & bone: Saable foe Datreooms thers & 2 bvng areas (638602, 637726) {Get it instated from R9S/en. ‘Buy vouchers aniline oF ask instore, Fliptile 23904 me x104.6 mm 495 me er pet bon 100% pos oo acl F ere) (7808) — $201 Softology Carpet Celours:xctudes accesses Used tor daplay (653288) "269 QQ Tal HS 5 kg Mosaic Fix Avadabie in super white (62e101) 20L Bond aud ter bose soveer ohestes Terenno Tiles $00 rem x 500 men: Avsilable in inte oF ivory 8 grade 17m (rro162: 7717) ECOTEC Lennox Tiles 0 mm x 600 236 mv. ‘vey (43317; Belgotex- $301 Softology Carpet 4 mwide:Avatoble in asserted cehours (682297) "85 "550 "118.0: 144 im: 20kg 24-hour Porcelain Fix 2s-hour set; High ‘streegth: Artis ropertes, tere Bentenor, Mult purpose ‘application: Only at Boders (478989) Available at Mosaic Porcelain Tiles 296 men x298 rem; Wall & Moot appixation: Grey/<ream/ white Con be usedin wet & cry ares, Including showers (S67557) 18300 mm «300 me R150/pk (600069) "120 px Treehouse Tile Range 00 mm; Ceramic wal 1st grade; Avaliable 14D: In smoke & almond, Suite for all ving areas (593431, 593432) Belgotex- DIY Grass Munipurpose applxaten: Polypropylene fibee: 2m wide (ners) Belgotex: "39D im: Serengeti Carpet ‘4mm wiae: Avolabe in assorted ceours: Eahodes accesses ‘ed foe pin (518820)

Latest specials

20 kg Tile Adhesive sects poeta "49 ‘ndy at Bulders (73429) 20 kg Gold Star Adhesive 6-hour dryieg tine: Porcelain (5902) Porcelain ‘Combo Mosaic igh street 8 for pp ‘sed in Swen Woot Con be oot: No yeshg required (47739) Get it instatied trom R9S/e. Buy vouchers online ot ask "165 ox Instore ECOTEC Mercury Tiles 380 mm «380 mm: 1s grade; 2.45 en Avaabie in grey, beige 1 own (753958, 743559, 743360) Belgotex- "B2Qim Leisure Plus Grass Rug 1Smx2m(77I676) E193, Page 8 of 16 5 kg Tile Grout ‘Avatable in grey or white ‘Cemeet-based: Only at Builders (468338; 468337) tylon 20kg Self-levelling Screed W270; Rap eatalition Recess of oes, Raps Seting. Easy appicaton (349) Gala Tile Range 330 mm x 330 mm: Ceraenic walt [8 oor tes: It grade, 18 ‘Avaiable in grey & bone: Saable foe Datreooms thers & 2 bvng areas (638602, 637726) {Get it instated from R9S/en. ‘Buy vouchers aniline oF ask instore, Fliptile 23904 me x104.6 mm 495 me er pet bon 100% pos oo acl F ere) (7808) — $201 Softology Carpet Celours:xctudes accesses Used tor daplay (653288) "269 QQ Tal HS 5 kg Mosaic Fix Avadabie in super white (62e101) 20L Bond aud ter bose soveer ohestes Terenno Tiles $00 rem x 500 men: Avsilable in inte oF ivory 8 grade 17m (rro162: 7717) ECOTEC Lennox Tiles 0 mm x 600 236 mv. ‘vey (43317; Belgotex- $301 Softology Carpet 4 mwide:Avatoble in asserted cehours (682297) "85 "550 "118.0: 144 im: 20kg 24-hour Porcelain Fix 2s-hour set; High ‘streegth: Artis ropertes, tere Bentenor, Mult purpose ‘application: Only at Boders (478989) Available at Mosaic Porcelain Tiles 296 men x298 rem; Wall & Moot appixation: Grey/<ream/ white Con be usedin wet & cry ares, Including showers (S67557) 18300 mm «300 me R150/pk (600069) "120 px Treehouse Tile Range 00 mm; Ceramic wal 1st grade; Avaliable 14D: In smoke & almond, Suite for all ving areas (593431, 593432) Belgotex- DIY Grass Munipurpose applxaten: Polypropylene fibee: 2m wide (ners) Belgotex: "39D im: Serengeti Carpet ‘4mm wiae: Avolabe in assorted ceours: Eahodes accesses ‘ed foe pin (518820)

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