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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 09.01 to 22.01 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 09.01.2023 - 22.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

K2599 K5999 Deposit K650. Deposit K1500. K149 x 18 Months, K309 x 18 Months. D-STAR Hisense HD LED TV Full HD Smart LED TV 43A4G SINOTEC (KSmatt Android : @LG K44999 oitra HD smart LED Tv Deposit K3750. 55UN7100PVA K739 x 18 Months. eS ales ULTRA, & HD sien MONEY SONY. Tae Eat MDR-EX 15AP Bel Bia se. is : Hisense Soundbar and Wireless & K5299 Subwoofer @LG DVD uss Deposit 1225, pee : Ponte: [heats tite Box x18 Months. « a seater * 1000 SS = = Hom ah 5999 6 a

Latest specials

K2599 K5999 Deposit K650. Deposit K1500. K149 x 18 Months, K309 x 18 Months. D-STAR Hisense HD LED TV Full HD Smart LED TV 43A4G SINOTEC (KSmatt Android : @LG K44999 oitra HD smart LED Tv Deposit K3750. 55UN7100PVA K739 x 18 Months. eS ales ULTRA, & HD sien MONEY SONY. Tae Eat MDR-EX 15AP Bel Bia se. is : Hisense Soundbar and Wireless & K5299 Subwoofer @LG DVD uss Deposit 1225, pee : Ponte: [heats tite Box x18 Months. « a seater * 1000 SS = = Hom ah 5999 6 a

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