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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 07.11 to 20.11 - Page nb 5

Special OK Furniture 07.11.2022 - 20.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

SAVEP150 «57 # P139 TELEFUNKEN DVD Player TDV-S00UA/B ALSO AVAILABLE 57 f Ellies 1.5m HDMI Cable - s BPHDMIBP. - NOW ONLY P39” SAVE °20 mpc P25999 Qe ™) suse 12-Way Multiplug FBWPS L1430PRO-OK-03 i * Includes Notebook/Bag/* SSD Bay Up to Wired Mouse & 256GB/1TB HDD USB Numeric Keypad = * Windows 10 & Office 365 SAVE P20 SAVE P20 SAVE P40 + 4GB RAM, (1-Month Trial) P 99 P26999 P349 64GB eMMc Storage * N3350 Intel Celeron 179! * Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Dual-Core 2.4GHz Max sues @ elues e Dstv Processor Wall-Mount Universal Twin 8S HD Decoder Bracket LNB RMHD4140 BAMEWMSO7- 44fF BLNBUT ec eT ss installation = aA ane re Esa] STORAGE ay Seneca) ie Ta i] SAVEP150 «JVC SAVE’200 SONY SAVE °200 SAVE °200 5.1-Channel 2.1-Channel P1049 Soundbar with P2799 Soundbar with P999 P2899 Deposit P10 Subwoofer Deposit P280. Subwoofer Deposit P10. WORLD Deposit P20 P49x30Months. TH-BY370 P119x 30 Months. HT-S20R * 400W P49 x 30 Months CUPDEAL P129 x 30 Months, Total Payable P1449 Total Payable P3549 2-Year Guarantee Total Payable P1389 Total Payable P3669 24% Int. 24% Int 24% Int 24% Int TELEFUNKEN Hi 8 £ 6 pa Home Theatre DOLBY System a Party Speaker <— @ THT608 go RBYD HP130 - <4 kame * 400W ss -Year A Guarantee TOP VIEW << SAVE'200 @LG SAVE?200 SONY ee *2800 @LG — 2.1-Channel Mini Hi-Fi 4.2-Channel DVD P2799 one P6299 finc-Meoo 799 Component Hi-Fi Deposit P280 Voor Gi Deposit P630. * 2-Year Guarantee i ARX10 2300W P119x30 Months. ° 2-Year Guarantee 259 x 30 Months. Tol Payette Pasig. © 2-Year Tt Payable Fab40 Taal Payate P7778 st noe ht Guarantee ; 2 <— <Q s 6 = OseSrN 4 ES NFC KARAOKE, Cae

Latest specials

SAVEP150 «57 # P139 TELEFUNKEN DVD Player TDV-S00UA/B ALSO AVAILABLE 57 f Ellies 1.5m HDMI Cable - s BPHDMIBP. - NOW ONLY P39” SAVE °20 mpc P25999 Qe ™) suse 12-Way Multiplug FBWPS L1430PRO-OK-03 i * Includes Notebook/Bag/* SSD Bay Up to Wired Mouse & 256GB/1TB HDD USB Numeric Keypad = * Windows 10 & Office 365 SAVE P20 SAVE P20 SAVE P40 + 4GB RAM, (1-Month Trial) P 99 P26999 P349 64GB eMMc Storage * N3350 Intel Celeron 179! * Bluetooth & Wi-Fi Dual-Core 2.4GHz Max sues @ elues e Dstv Processor Wall-Mount Universal Twin 8S HD Decoder Bracket LNB RMHD4140 BAMEWMSO7- 44fF BLNBUT ec eT ss installation = aA ane re Esa] STORAGE ay Seneca) ie Ta i] SAVEP150 «JVC SAVE’200 SONY SAVE °200 SAVE °200 5.1-Channel 2.1-Channel P1049 Soundbar with P2799 Soundbar with P999 P2899 Deposit P10 Subwoofer Deposit P280. Subwoofer Deposit P10. WORLD Deposit P20 P49x30Months. TH-BY370 P119x 30 Months. HT-S20R * 400W P49 x 30 Months CUPDEAL P129 x 30 Months, Total Payable P1449 Total Payable P3549 2-Year Guarantee Total Payable P1389 Total Payable P3669 24% Int. 24% Int 24% Int 24% Int TELEFUNKEN Hi 8 £ 6 pa Home Theatre DOLBY System a Party Speaker <— @ THT608 go RBYD HP130 - <4 kame * 400W ss -Year A Guarantee TOP VIEW << SAVE'200 @LG SAVE?200 SONY ee *2800 @LG — 2.1-Channel Mini Hi-Fi 4.2-Channel DVD P2799 one P6299 finc-Meoo 799 Component Hi-Fi Deposit P280 Voor Gi Deposit P630. * 2-Year Guarantee i ARX10 2300W P119x30 Months. ° 2-Year Guarantee 259 x 30 Months. Tol Payette Pasig. © 2-Year Tt Payable Fab40 Taal Payate P7778 st noe ht Guarantee ; 2 <— <Q s 6 = OseSrN 4 ES NFC KARAOKE, Cae

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