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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 21.11 to 04.12 - Page nb 2

Special OK Furniture 21.11.2022 - 04.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

eS (3 wae 11) Pee kL M159 x 30 Months. Lenore es Deposit M550. M229 x 30 Months. Total Payable M6849 at 24% int. Metallic Bottom-Freezer Fridge KBF631ME 2-Year Guarantee ENERGY. RATING | ENERGY RATING H | 861mm W | 786mm, D | 680mm Deposit M290. M129 x 30 Months, Total Payable M3699 at 24% Int, Hisense Titanium-Silver Bar Fridge H125RTS ° 2-Year Guarantee PENS Bile "4499 Perc eu CLS renee ear} rca ae TRURTIRFOREER White iy Chest Freezer x KCG300/2 : © 2-Year Guarantee fy 2 (M2799 e Deposit M280, 4 M119 x 30 Months. Total Payable M3579 at 24% Hisense White Bar Fridge RATING. H125RWH H | 842mm | ° 2-Year Guarantee W 475mm D 448mm a Deposit M700. Deposit M1250. WM x30 Monts. M509 x 30 Months. Total Payable M8649 Total Payable M15279 at 24% Int at 24% Int. (EFY) DEFY) Satin-Metallic Satin-Metallic Bottom-Freezer Side-by-Side Fridge with Water Freezer-Fridge Dispenser DAC645 DFF436 °3+2 Years °3+2Years — (with registration) (with registration) Warranty Warranty = OWEST PRICES GUARANTEED Find any item cheaper and we'll beat it and deliver for free - put us to the low-price t ENERGY _AAratine H1785mm W 910mm. 700mm

Latest specials

eS (3 wae 11) Pee kL M159 x 30 Months. Lenore es Deposit M550. M229 x 30 Months. Total Payable M6849 at 24% int. Metallic Bottom-Freezer Fridge KBF631ME 2-Year Guarantee ENERGY. RATING | ENERGY RATING H | 861mm W | 786mm, D | 680mm Deposit M290. M129 x 30 Months, Total Payable M3699 at 24% Int, Hisense Titanium-Silver Bar Fridge H125RTS ° 2-Year Guarantee PENS Bile "4499 Perc eu CLS renee ear} rca ae TRURTIRFOREER White iy Chest Freezer x KCG300/2 : © 2-Year Guarantee fy 2 (M2799 e Deposit M280, 4 M119 x 30 Months. Total Payable M3579 at 24% Hisense White Bar Fridge RATING. H125RWH H | 842mm | ° 2-Year Guarantee W 475mm D 448mm a Deposit M700. Deposit M1250. WM x30 Monts. M509 x 30 Months. Total Payable M8649 Total Payable M15279 at 24% Int at 24% Int. (EFY) DEFY) Satin-Metallic Satin-Metallic Bottom-Freezer Side-by-Side Fridge with Water Freezer-Fridge Dispenser DAC645 DFF436 °3+2 Years °3+2Years — (with registration) (with registration) Warranty Warranty = OWEST PRICES GUARANTEED Find any item cheaper and we'll beat it and deliver for free - put us to the low-price t ENERGY _AAratine H1785mm W 910mm. 700mm

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