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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.01 to 31.01 - Page nb 6

Special MTN 01.01.2023 - 31.01.2023

Products in this catalogue

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Latest specials

urf mor Winning is s ore, affordable pay less. data at home or on the go with MTN BozzaGigs LTE PayAsYouGo oe ea i MyMTN Home MyMTN Home MyMTN Home: 160GB 240GB 360GB —_— R249... "299... | ®399... 20GB 2008 Anna 12068 syne 12008 Ar toca tive gf URGE Maven gh SBBCR Mevone R299 2 SGB Anytime Data Fy ro 3 € a [s] 2 rf S 4 i Hy z @ i a F 4 é = a 3 MTN BozzaGigs LTE | PayAsYouGo MTN PayAsYouGo MyMTN Home. 5GB Night Express Starter Pack + 1000GB vaste 20000 Now even yellow S00CeH | iat | "137# and WIN your share of R200 Million n daily prizes everyone needsa WI Ni

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