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Current special MTN - Valid from 01.08 to 31.08 - Page nb 3

Special MTN 01.08.2023 - 31.08.2023

Products in this catalogue

FROM ®439 permontH eg 10GB Start: up bundle ‘opPo. Somsung Reno? 25 (12868) Galaxy 523 FE sc 5G Enob GascBy) ed MIN Mego Tolk/Gige XS | 8439.© > ‘Cash Deol R15 089 Phone 13 G26ce) MIN Mego Tolk/Gigs § R679... 13 @56cB) 5G nob 1-Month access to #Arcade! + #tv+ included for one year? when you buy an iPhone. Watch on the Apple TV app. MIN Mega Talk/Cigs XS MTN Mega Tolk/Gigs XS. R459... R619... MTN Mego Talk/Cigs XS MTN Mega Tolk/Cigs XS GBD 10 cre serie 50-00y erennsurones Download the @™) MTN App TWO-FOR-ONE DEALS All deals available on MyMTN Sky plans Send a message of support and stand a chance to WIN toto Choose more talk OR choose more gigs Cees ES = MINT ‘50min 20min r Doing what = = 2-8 it takes 250m8 500mB Soci 2508 500MB 25min 50min Enjoy socalbundies on altace networts [] ORIG) ED 500mB 168 Call 083 123 3667 NS cog) Glee Teen & coe PROUD SPONSOR OF THE SPRINGBOKS

Latest specials

FROM ®439 permontH eg 10GB Start: up bundle ‘opPo. Somsung Reno? 25 (12868) Galaxy 523 FE sc 5G Enob GascBy) ed MIN Mego Tolk/Gige XS | 8439.© > ‘Cash Deol R15 089 Phone 13 G26ce) MIN Mego Tolk/Gigs § R679... 13 @56cB) 5G nob 1-Month access to #Arcade! + #tv+ included for one year? when you buy an iPhone. Watch on the Apple TV app. MIN Mega Talk/Cigs XS MTN Mega Tolk/Gigs XS. R459... R619... MTN Mego Talk/Cigs XS MTN Mega Tolk/Cigs XS GBD 10 cre serie 50-00y erennsurones Download the @™) MTN App TWO-FOR-ONE DEALS All deals available on MyMTN Sky plans Send a message of support and stand a chance to WIN toto Choose more talk OR choose more gigs Cees ES = MINT ‘50min 20min r Doing what = = 2-8 it takes 250m8 500mB Soci 2508 500MB 25min 50min Enjoy socalbundies on altace networts [] ORIG) ED 500mB 168 Call 083 123 3667 NS cog) Glee Teen & coe PROUD SPONSOR OF THE SPRINGBOKS

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