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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.09 to 10.10 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 19.09.2022 - 10.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Monday 19 September to Monday 10 October 2022 SPORTS CATALOGUE 699 1) Large Nevatear Punch Bog (resora 599 19. tgmpte oe TROJAN TROIAN TR500 Treadmill Glide 500 Onssex ‘eect Elliptical Cycke Power Core £90 ren. ‘Meee neat Electric Scooter ene 1 Abe Sad tom ida Seep Teer tigen Set ot Pee -eory trenaportaten Trobe and operated front + Set ne 1108 « 900 1880 mm + Motor: ik wor igh Sgn hb deve ? {Theol poh bone {Wheels thane rant and ores, at SAVE 1000 * bosey: TV soled bod och rechargeable 3699 esa TIT 29” Rover Unisex Mountain Bike * Colour: ret + Gearing: Shimane gears + Dh broker hon ond tor 1 Sipe: ont ond eae Ra ey RTI Trace 2 ole enh aon 9999 seh Tice aches ool ary 8 4A a7 Waeana aarrene 36 VAD Fun Avast covereonite Watt {OOM prEAGE TATORY 20 Wh aM 24 SPUD ALTUS VE STR OC RAKES Xe] RYN RUC AL Nel Sul i a All prices in South African Rands. Teems and Conditions Apply 39/2022 Makro DIP/KM MKNTGMI64S5.1

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Monday 19 September to Monday 10 October 2022 SPORTS CATALOGUE 699 1) Large Nevatear Punch Bog (resora 599 19. tgmpte oe TROJAN TROIAN TR500 Treadmill Glide 500 Onssex ‘eect Elliptical Cycke Power Core £90 ren. ‘Meee neat Electric Scooter ene 1 Abe Sad tom ida Seep Teer tigen Set ot Pee -eory trenaportaten Trobe and operated front + Set ne 1108 « 900 1880 mm + Motor: ik wor igh Sgn hb deve ? {Theol poh bone {Wheels thane rant and ores, at SAVE 1000 * bosey: TV soled bod och rechargeable 3699 esa TIT 29” Rover Unisex Mountain Bike * Colour: ret + Gearing: Shimane gears + Dh broker hon ond tor 1 Sipe: ont ond eae Ra ey RTI Trace 2 ole enh aon 9999 seh Tice aches ool ary 8 4A a7 Waeana aarrene 36 VAD Fun Avast covereonite Watt {OOM prEAGE TATORY 20 Wh aM 24 SPUD ALTUS VE STR OC RAKES Xe] RYN RUC AL Nel Sul i a All prices in South African Rands. Teems and Conditions Apply 39/2022 Makro DIP/KM MKNTGMI64S5.1

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