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Current special Makro - Valid from 11.09 to 03.10 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 11.09.2022 - 03.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Garden Master smc 9" | 35 | + Uvaboled + BPA Free * 100% recyclable Fay —— z eae ee = Garden Master 3-Piece Hand Tool Set + Conia of towel ‘romsplanter ond fork waa7ei7) Garden - | 22 | be 25 g Flower Seed: 25 g Herb Polypacket ceteayedd Fc eseshy clad iaestea och eye each a) Garden Garden Garden Master Master Master 30 dm? Compost Garden Rake 5 ¢ Pressure Sprayer iin = Ducble + Adjstobe spray poeta «= Potasiom ond phosphate + Modern fo, * Corrying sap (424823) 21995) + Sproy herbicides * Spray pesticides (eo8757h beat bend Cy gener | sre 35 Garden Garden Master Master Rei ‘ bag.rouge 2 eget Sean © 2 bor without premure gouge +s (4orsss) hyman ate dowland roping he Cady ‘abet ta i nr, Hes hone wc ESTE A ISS ede RE a a fokek rte ba ogc trent Start Ped tones POE sor at cones scsi co oes, waren pomoen recast an

Latest specials

Garden Master smc 9" | 35 | + Uvaboled + BPA Free * 100% recyclable Fay —— z eae ee = Garden Master 3-Piece Hand Tool Set + Conia of towel ‘romsplanter ond fork waa7ei7) Garden - | 22 | be 25 g Flower Seed: 25 g Herb Polypacket ceteayedd Fc eseshy clad iaestea och eye each a) Garden Garden Garden Master Master Master 30 dm? Compost Garden Rake 5 ¢ Pressure Sprayer iin = Ducble + Adjstobe spray poeta «= Potasiom ond phosphate + Modern fo, * Corrying sap (424823) 21995) + Sproy herbicides * Spray pesticides (eo8757h beat bend Cy gener | sre 35 Garden Garden Master Master Rei ‘ bag.rouge 2 eget Sean © 2 bor without premure gouge +s (4orsss) hyman ate dowland roping he Cady ‘abet ta i nr, Hes hone wc ESTE A ISS ede RE a a fokek rte ba ogc trent Start Ped tones POE sor at cones scsi co oes, waren pomoen recast an

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