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Current special Makro - Valid from 31.10 to 16.12 - Page nb 2

Special Makro 31.10.2022 - 16.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

rn I sn STORK Original 70% Orginal 70% Country Spread Fat Spread Fat Spread Tubs RAMA ria SO Fat ag Spread T ; Bricks Bara, ~ Bricks Rama ee iz A seals DAIRYMAID Farmhouse Ice Cream a = (Al vrions) DANONE | ¥ A Ura Mal — r « Vanilla L " ' f Custard | NEW ERA Mixed Chicken Portions Bulk Chicken Thighs Skg Sk ms oer) eee) §=COLGATE poe Protex’ Protex obec Figs 3 b> | AQUAFRESH BOE — 7 Toothpaste Dovble Action fi penser?“ Protex’., Protex’ ase Afoaos =) oo Teothirosh _— srt an SEES HangerCord IS . ; COLGATE Protex’ poten, Toothpaste ay Ea a! ‘Active Salt —————T (Ee Protex,, Protex, ) SUNUGHT SUNLIGHT | i ~ STA-SOFT = HANDY ANDY Dishwashing Laundry Bor POOSUINNIQHEU= SS) Fob \ Soi 4 a a0 “a Cream Liquid Soop Softener (Al verons) on fills || Sunlight = | "7 f =e | Sunlight = | ae ™ 5 awe i. pe -in-1 Regular -in-1 Regular BABY SOFT Bay She DOMESTOS Hand Washing © {/ Ee] Hand Washing 2-Ply Toilet Thick Bleach Powder K Powder Paper (Al vr i REMOVAL’ ALL YOUR STOKVEL NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF Tm Col SOLAR Kol Me Re a tol RoC Exclusive offers and discounts to stokvel members Re etait seaues tS) Contact us on 0860 300 999 for all your stokvel requirements CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS "makro card" to 31144 | For store details visit makro m7

Latest specials

rn I sn STORK Original 70% Orginal 70% Country Spread Fat Spread Fat Spread Tubs RAMA ria SO Fat ag Spread T ; Bricks Bara, ~ Bricks Rama ee iz A seals DAIRYMAID Farmhouse Ice Cream a = (Al vrions) DANONE | ¥ A Ura Mal — r « Vanilla L " ' f Custard | NEW ERA Mixed Chicken Portions Bulk Chicken Thighs Skg Sk ms oer) eee) §=COLGATE poe Protex’ Protex obec Figs 3 b> | AQUAFRESH BOE — 7 Toothpaste Dovble Action fi penser?“ Protex’., Protex’ ase Afoaos =) oo Teothirosh _— srt an SEES HangerCord IS . ; COLGATE Protex’ poten, Toothpaste ay Ea a! ‘Active Salt —————T (Ee Protex,, Protex, ) SUNUGHT SUNLIGHT | i ~ STA-SOFT = HANDY ANDY Dishwashing Laundry Bor POOSUINNIQHEU= SS) Fob \ Soi 4 a a0 “a Cream Liquid Soop Softener (Al verons) on fills || Sunlight = | "7 f =e | Sunlight = | ae ™ 5 awe i. pe -in-1 Regular -in-1 Regular BABY SOFT Bay She DOMESTOS Hand Washing © {/ Ee] Hand Washing 2-Ply Toilet Thick Bleach Powder K Powder Paper (Al vr i REMOVAL’ ALL YOUR STOKVEL NEEDS UNDER ONE ROOF Tm Col SOLAR Kol Me Re a tol RoC Exclusive offers and discounts to stokvel members Re etait seaues tS) Contact us on 0860 300 999 for all your stokvel requirements CUSTOMER SERVICE: 0860 300 999 | ONLINE SUPPORT: 0860 600 999 | MCARD SUPPORT: 0860 309 999 Download the Makro mCard app or apply online to receive your own Makro card. SMS "makro card" to 31144 | For store details visit makro m7

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