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Current special Game - Valid from 16.11 to 22.11 - Page nb 4

Special Game 16.11.2022 - 22.11.2022

Products in this catalogue

MOKE (S95 MORE EXCITING DEALS. Bakers Snacktime [Assorted Crackers, 4009 2FOR MORE VALUE. a ae Beep assay eer all C— teen le) site 9 Somes — Weesheloereehihet y, = Ly 3 forR145 — 2FOR gt ee Pee APS J EES te oo i Oe? Sans erie i Afeot Five Roses Ceylon Blend Tagless Teabags 102s ‘Teabags 1005 =n ws, lathes Sc gee ace, a 2 VE cond | Maglh HE 2 125L Any 2 for R115 ANY 4 FOR Assorted | ] 100% Fruit Blend 300 mi Assorted Red Bull Energy Drink 5 4x 250 ml Assorted Any 5 forR80 “ Castle Lite Beee y, Cons 6x500 mi n ~ “ ANY2FOR) [ANY 2FOR LitorieMetot “< ‘Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon 0 re Merlot / Cabernet ° w Sauvignon 750 ml ' cee BERNINI Flying Fish Doritos Corn Chips Lemon OR Apple 145 g Assorted 6 a NRBGx330m ANY 2 FOR sernini amber, Gin & Dry Lemon Blush O OR Gin & Tonic Ad AM ciassic neo Cans 6 440 mt 2 forRI75 Cis BRU eee : Robertson Natural F t, ( oun ‘Sweet Red, White 750m Red Heart OR Rosé Wine 3 fe Dencinon ( i 750 mt @ a ans | erersess Sf Passion Fruk Vodka ) randy 750 mt — = Brutal Fruit Ruby Apple Cans 6 x 500 mt 36) were) DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18. Scan the QR code to 4 view our full More4Less CS catalogue ‘orc "| online. alaeaeial

Latest specials

MOKE (S95 MORE EXCITING DEALS. Bakers Snacktime [Assorted Crackers, 4009 2FOR MORE VALUE. a ae Beep assay eer all C— teen le) site 9 Somes — Weesheloereehihet y, = Ly 3 forR145 — 2FOR gt ee Pee APS J EES te oo i Oe? Sans erie i Afeot Five Roses Ceylon Blend Tagless Teabags 102s ‘Teabags 1005 =n ws, lathes Sc gee ace, a 2 VE cond | Maglh HE 2 125L Any 2 for R115 ANY 4 FOR Assorted | ] 100% Fruit Blend 300 mi Assorted Red Bull Energy Drink 5 4x 250 ml Assorted Any 5 forR80 “ Castle Lite Beee y, Cons 6x500 mi n ~ “ ANY2FOR) [ANY 2FOR LitorieMetot “< ‘Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon 0 re Merlot / Cabernet ° w Sauvignon 750 ml ' cee BERNINI Flying Fish Doritos Corn Chips Lemon OR Apple 145 g Assorted 6 a NRBGx330m ANY 2 FOR sernini amber, Gin & Dry Lemon Blush O OR Gin & Tonic Ad AM ciassic neo Cans 6 440 mt 2 forRI75 Cis BRU eee : Robertson Natural F t, ( oun ‘Sweet Red, White 750m Red Heart OR Rosé Wine 3 fe Dencinon ( i 750 mt @ a ans | erersess Sf Passion Fruk Vodka ) randy 750 mt — = Brutal Fruit Ruby Apple Cans 6 x 500 mt 36) were) DRINK RESPONSIBLY. NOT FOR PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18. Scan the QR code to 4 view our full More4Less CS catalogue ‘orc "| online. alaeaeial

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