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Current special Game - Valid from 25.01 to 07.02 - Page nb 7

Special Game 25.01.2023 - 07.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

TECnO Pop SLTE. ‘Spark7 6468 4G Spark 8C ‘Smartphone Mest) oan) New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts fe 2068 Sta-up data 2068 Start-up dota bundle fr controe bundle for cont fence. otf Reygre Bata (OME Gacenstt pte Sata, POP ‘ald for 30 days) yi ‘valid for 30 oc ee WAS 2499 ry a Me G82" SGRRAM warrenty man Frome Rew etm GOROM ewe Wem Geb nOo 68 SGBRM werrnty wim acorn Redmi 108 ‘Smartphone Redmi 10C ‘Smartphone Redmi Al Smartphone > @ CTT ay Seon ‘New Upgrade Contracts 13” deal a ae =50 Mites oe es @ 500 MB Data Aegtine Pec ses £500 MB Nigh Ot Sion nr E up date buna cane ew was2999 2GB Anytime + 2GB Night Owl New & Upgrade Contracts 50 Minutes *500MB Data +500 MB Night Ont 2068 Stanupdata cay bundle fr cont Preis (Gnce-ott Anime Data, Wi for 30 days) Tr] Was 3499 HUAWEI nova Y61 ‘Smartphone HUAWEI nova Y70 ‘Smartphone New & Upsrade Contracts New Upgrade Contracts +S Minwtes 500 MB Data Angin +500 MB Night Om ‘Start-up data bundle fer contrac (oce:ctt Angee Data, ‘oli tor 30.daga) (Cocenoth Anytime Osta, oli for 50.dogs) WAS 3299, 2 Y15s 4G Smartphone )@ New & Upgrade Contracts @ * RISO Airtime PM CRAM, wortrey Bercoads SER bundle for contac (eece: st Anime Oat, oust 0 doe) 02s 46 Smartphone was2799 B Was 2999 moo MP ISM a fom awe HUAWEI TIOS +78 Gift Pack Bundle New & Upgrade Contracts +5068 Data Anytime *5GB Nigh Ow 10” M10 4G Tablet New & Upgrade Contracts WAS 3939

Latest specials

TECnO Pop SLTE. ‘Spark7 6468 4G Spark 8C ‘Smartphone Mest) oan) New & Upgrade Contracts New & Upgrade Contracts fe 2068 Sta-up data 2068 Start-up dota bundle fr controe bundle for cont fence. otf Reygre Bata (OME Gacenstt pte Sata, POP ‘ald for 30 days) yi ‘valid for 30 oc ee WAS 2499 ry a Me G82" SGRRAM warrenty man Frome Rew etm GOROM ewe Wem Geb nOo 68 SGBRM werrnty wim acorn Redmi 108 ‘Smartphone Redmi 10C ‘Smartphone Redmi Al Smartphone > @ CTT ay Seon ‘New Upgrade Contracts 13” deal a ae =50 Mites oe es @ 500 MB Data Aegtine Pec ses £500 MB Nigh Ot Sion nr E up date buna cane ew was2999 2GB Anytime + 2GB Night Owl New & Upgrade Contracts 50 Minutes *500MB Data +500 MB Night Ont 2068 Stanupdata cay bundle fr cont Preis (Gnce-ott Anime Data, Wi for 30 days) Tr] Was 3499 HUAWEI nova Y61 ‘Smartphone HUAWEI nova Y70 ‘Smartphone New & Upsrade Contracts New Upgrade Contracts +S Minwtes 500 MB Data Angin +500 MB Night Om ‘Start-up data bundle fer contrac (oce:ctt Angee Data, ‘oli tor 30.daga) (Cocenoth Anytime Osta, oli for 50.dogs) WAS 3299, 2 Y15s 4G Smartphone )@ New & Upgrade Contracts @ * RISO Airtime PM CRAM, wortrey Bercoads SER bundle for contac (eece: st Anime Oat, oust 0 doe) 02s 46 Smartphone was2799 B Was 2999 moo MP ISM a fom awe HUAWEI TIOS +78 Gift Pack Bundle New & Upgrade Contracts +5068 Data Anytime *5GB Nigh Ow 10” M10 4G Tablet New & Upgrade Contracts WAS 3939

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