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Current special Checkers - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 13.12 to 18.12 - Page nb 3

Special Checkers 13.12.2022 - 18.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

BUY ANY 2 & heels R130 Ce eerioy Clover Bliss Cree an Pata exer PU ured Cream Dairy ered lrg Pee All Variants aNFCCLL/E FEY aa Wwe Vio BUY ANY2& SAVE R12 aE EE co PNT TE ANY 2 FOR ANY 2 FOR ‘Saske Low Gt Bromm/White ‘Clover Buteo Ful Fat Moained Flora Reguta/Light Bonnita Danone Ultra Mel Milshaks Sir Fruit Smoothie Oree/Cadbury Daty Milt/Lunch Bar Breed All Variants 2 ¥ 7003/0009 Butter Spread 2 x 5009 Meduin Fat Spread Selted Butter Tl Verionte 2x 275 ‘Ni Variants 2% 9000 tee Cron 2x 1ODe/17008 : —> = & bE ‘ b 4 > LS ANY 2FOR ANY 2FOR Danone NuiniOay Smooth Sanya one STeteoureect” ae Douglasdale ‘peo Almond/Soyal Parmalat Ste! Sturpie Flavoured Danone Uiira Mal Vanita Flavoured Parmalat Frat Fabuite/Pain . Se Frosh Crear ‘Oat Mik 2x 1¢ ‘Mik All Variants 4 x 360m) ‘Custard All Variants 2 12 Yoorurt Al Variants 2x tha y e = S veennees - = McCain ee bere —_— @ ne Sto: (on | . 4 . Eo cu nS fora sacs ~ =< oo oo a eee een ee Pee ee Sanco acre R, Seema STS Exar EE Exo Ea BUY ANY 2& ANY 2 FOR ALL 3 FOR Browns Foods Frozen, ‘orn Dogs All Variants 2 x 3209 Tirolean Meats Back Bacon 2000 Mezé Sp & Large Eggs 8 per pi Broad Sticks/T Sunbake Low Gi White Bread 7009 All Varia

Latest specials

BUY ANY 2 & heels R130 Ce eerioy Clover Bliss Cree an Pata exer PU ured Cream Dairy ered lrg Pee All Variants aNFCCLL/E FEY aa Wwe Vio BUY ANY2& SAVE R12 aE EE co PNT TE ANY 2 FOR ANY 2 FOR ‘Saske Low Gt Bromm/White ‘Clover Buteo Ful Fat Moained Flora Reguta/Light Bonnita Danone Ultra Mel Milshaks Sir Fruit Smoothie Oree/Cadbury Daty Milt/Lunch Bar Breed All Variants 2 ¥ 7003/0009 Butter Spread 2 x 5009 Meduin Fat Spread Selted Butter Tl Verionte 2x 275 ‘Ni Variants 2% 9000 tee Cron 2x 1ODe/17008 : —> = & bE ‘ b 4 > LS ANY 2FOR ANY 2FOR Danone NuiniOay Smooth Sanya one STeteoureect” ae Douglasdale ‘peo Almond/Soyal Parmalat Ste! Sturpie Flavoured Danone Uiira Mal Vanita Flavoured Parmalat Frat Fabuite/Pain . Se Frosh Crear ‘Oat Mik 2x 1¢ ‘Mik All Variants 4 x 360m) ‘Custard All Variants 2 12 Yoorurt Al Variants 2x tha y e = S veennees - = McCain ee bere —_— @ ne Sto: (on | . 4 . Eo cu nS fora sacs ~ =< oo oo a eee een ee Pee ee Sanco acre R, Seema STS Exar EE Exo Ea BUY ANY 2& ANY 2 FOR ALL 3 FOR Browns Foods Frozen, ‘orn Dogs All Variants 2 x 3209 Tirolean Meats Back Bacon 2000 Mezé Sp & Large Eggs 8 per pi Broad Sticks/T Sunbake Low Gi White Bread 7009 All Varia

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