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Current special Checkers - Valid from 14.10 to 16.10 - Page nb 6

Special Checkers 14.10.2022 - 16.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

lore All Variants. eer) ets PANTENE Peed Seg Ce eT Ce Aged Pca Coase CFFERS VALIO FROM FRIDAY 14 OCTOBER 2022 UTI SUNDAY PANTENEf = [save R12] R20 DX Gao Pool Curry TR Perry SAVE R7 | eh) ea Petey Roe aes Pantyliners All Variants Pee AE gg TO 50% net a 7 Peony oretren peel Rien Prati ey ' Dow } Dove <7 o os PANTENE ingram’s De wn cane rd Der ae ead Cees ACU eee Lag Peres Red Peer or nd Cree Ree SAVE 19%) SAVE R30% iC) ee ns Effervescent Tablets By ead Peg ~ oa Reese a ak SAVE R12] R39 Ne Dove Pree Ail Variants Ebert SAVE R28) R50 eam Pr ae All Variants eben x Daag emery nr Peery SAVE R50] bee) SC we can rr) ge) RC Perec cuca Da rr [SAVE Re0) R200 XC eros cri Doo ag SAVE 45% | Ca = PO CAN) Pree ee)

Latest specials

lore All Variants. eer) ets PANTENE Peed Seg Ce eT Ce Aged Pca Coase CFFERS VALIO FROM FRIDAY 14 OCTOBER 2022 UTI SUNDAY PANTENEf = [save R12] R20 DX Gao Pool Curry TR Perry SAVE R7 | eh) ea Petey Roe aes Pantyliners All Variants Pee AE gg TO 50% net a 7 Peony oretren peel Rien Prati ey ' Dow } Dove <7 o os PANTENE ingram’s De wn cane rd Der ae ead Cees ACU eee Lag Peres Red Peer or nd Cree Ree SAVE 19%) SAVE R30% iC) ee ns Effervescent Tablets By ead Peg ~ oa Reese a ak SAVE R12] R39 Ne Dove Pree Ail Variants Ebert SAVE R28) R50 eam Pr ae All Variants eben x Daag emery nr Peery SAVE R50] bee) SC we can rr) ge) RC Perec cuca Da rr [SAVE Re0) R200 XC eros cri Doo ag SAVE 45% | Ca = PO CAN) Pree ee)

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