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Current special Boxer - Valid from 12.06 to 21.06 - Page nb 2

Special Boxer 12.06.2023 - 21.06.2023

Products in this catalogue

Jungle _ Oats Smooth Apricot Jam 900g & —~% BLACK CAT —< Smooth Peanut Butter 400g SS \ ra a Sane Ni APRIC cor oryAM A 1 x " Esso WHY WAIT: ET aan) THOMPSONS OVER Family Value Classic Smooth ie Fat Yoghurt Based Viennas Dairy Snack Assorted Assorted FRUITREE GZ GSS A REBOOST A A Family Pocket 40% Fro Nectar hy; i 7 Energy a “ Assorted ae wr kes A Nena A TI i } i ; GOLDI DEW DROP DANONE PARMALAT BEST COOK ral Metihen Vanilla Flavoured frend / Gaickon 1QF Mixed Chicken Portions Cream Custard Polony » Maas ee Assorted % " , g ; a. % se s Be ~ “i ‘Sse = fea k S PS yy : & by eet pee Sor) . SS ee yo Pe x A \ ‘ A | ‘ a f ta = ; Fresh Cubed Fresh , MANNS rasan Med ‘y pe ras # — . een "esslane DE Orme is, oso & LF IE ECES SY a = a es Ne ee > “ ry: }« eB. ae, = > FON Can e » A ‘ Kat A sy] 1. | y re A

Latest specials

Jungle _ Oats Smooth Apricot Jam 900g & —~% BLACK CAT —< Smooth Peanut Butter 400g SS \ ra a Sane Ni APRIC cor oryAM A 1 x " Esso WHY WAIT: ET aan) THOMPSONS OVER Family Value Classic Smooth ie Fat Yoghurt Based Viennas Dairy Snack Assorted Assorted FRUITREE GZ GSS A REBOOST A A Family Pocket 40% Fro Nectar hy; i 7 Energy a “ Assorted ae wr kes A Nena A TI i } i ; GOLDI DEW DROP DANONE PARMALAT BEST COOK ral Metihen Vanilla Flavoured frend / Gaickon 1QF Mixed Chicken Portions Cream Custard Polony » Maas ee Assorted % " , g ; a. % se s Be ~ “i ‘Sse = fea k S PS yy : & by eet pee Sor) . SS ee yo Pe x A \ ‘ A | ‘ a f ta = ; Fresh Cubed Fresh , MANNS rasan Med ‘y pe ras # — . een "esslane DE Orme is, oso & LF IE ECES SY a = a es Ne ee > “ ry: }« eB. ae, = > FON Can e » A ‘ Kat A sy] 1. | y re A

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