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Current special House & Home - Valid from 24.02 to 09.02 - Page nb 7

Special House & Home 24.02.2025 - 09.02.2026

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R3499 R5999 R11999 19999 R17999 SAVE R500 SAVE R2600 NOW ONLY SAVE R2000 Hisense Hisense @LG BOSCH SAVE R1000 i no = Top-Freezer Bottom-Freezer Water-on-Tap ni Fridge Fridge Bottom-Freezer KGNSSCI30Z H22STTS H370BMIB-WD Fridge * 3-Year Guarantee + 2-Year Guarantee + 4-Year Guarantee GCF369NLJM + 2-Year Guarantee Black Brushed Sa) RE eee el Ee) od Ca oe Side-by-Side aie Pare) ia Clap) jecisae | [:263¢] x 0 ENERGY, ENERGY rms RATING RATING : [ENERGY IN Tea R24999 R3999 axe R6699 SAVE R5000 SAVE R400 Grey, . oer NOW ONLY @ LG KeeziscR + 2-Year Guarantee White Sever Wate on Tae cere presen Freezer Fridge with eat . i waranty o 386¢ ENERGY f2205-] q RATING SAVE R500 SAVE R1000 SAVE R2500 SAVE R800 SAVE R200 Hisense Hisense Bennett Read (DEFY) CD Tub Titanium Silver-Finish Titanium Silver-Finish eae Dryer GEY Washing Machine Top-Loader Front-Loader Manhattan Grey me Mrsmipasetine —tesng atine Eyal +3 +1 Year (with +3+1Year (wi +243 Yea registration) Guarantee registration) ‘Guarantee rogietvation Wasainty: Get approved for credit instalments quick & easily. SMS 32873 “my credit”, your name, surname and ID number. Apply In-store and online

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R3499 R5999 R11999 19999 R17999 SAVE R500 SAVE R2600 NOW ONLY SAVE R2000 Hisense Hisense @LG BOSCH SAVE R1000 i no = Top-Freezer Bottom-Freezer Water-on-Tap ni Fridge Fridge Bottom-Freezer KGNSSCI30Z H22STTS H370BMIB-WD Fridge * 3-Year Guarantee + 2-Year Guarantee + 4-Year Guarantee GCF369NLJM + 2-Year Guarantee Black Brushed Sa) RE eee el Ee) od Ca oe Side-by-Side aie Pare) ia Clap) jecisae | [:263¢] x 0 ENERGY, ENERGY rms RATING RATING : [ENERGY IN Tea R24999 R3999 axe R6699 SAVE R5000 SAVE R400 Grey, . oer NOW ONLY @ LG KeeziscR + 2-Year Guarantee White Sever Wate on Tae cere presen Freezer Fridge with eat . i waranty o 386¢ ENERGY f2205-] q RATING SAVE R500 SAVE R1000 SAVE R2500 SAVE R800 SAVE R200 Hisense Hisense Bennett Read (DEFY) CD Tub Titanium Silver-Finish Titanium Silver-Finish eae Dryer GEY Washing Machine Top-Loader Front-Loader Manhattan Grey me Mrsmipasetine —tesng atine Eyal +3 +1 Year (with +3+1Year (wi +243 Yea registration) Guarantee registration) ‘Guarantee rogietvation Wasainty: Get approved for credit instalments quick & easily. SMS 32873 “my credit”, your name, surname and ID number. Apply In-store and online

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