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Current special OK Furniture - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 15.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 8

Special OK Furniture 15.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Sophia Maxi Chest of Drawers AVAILABLE ee uae nan Depost 280. 108 30 Month, Tol Payable 4308 Total Payable S952 at 248 it toast 2-Pieco 120cm Dawson Duchess Add-on Robe Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included GUARANTEED PEACE OF MIND WITH UARANTEES ON EDBLO & SEALY BA WE 152cm Grande u 152cm Georgia =CDiC I> Base Set aly.) Base Set R6999 tear Guarantee R7999 ear Guarantee 152cm Mkuze Pillow-Top Doubled to 2 Years Doubled to 2 Years Doce CE. Bese oot ‘ea Dei oe oe tpetaded a ee Ee nena © a 10-Year x38 Monts. © 1-Year Guarantee Double 3 Monts service Warranty Hi ervice Warranty Teel Pale RIO : Ten Pople R200 ag Tea Pale R08 Tel Pop to 2 Years Included in a 10-Year Taal Poa Soy, at Papa Service Warranty ata Sch 183m, Chiro-Zone Base Set ‘CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0861 11 32 13, Tee t ur nearest branct yw y pat ——— FORYOUR NEAREST STORE PEASE VST OUR WEBSITE FACEBOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OU CUSTONER CARE LE ‘Prces advertised are applicable within South Africa only. instalment amounts drsplayed inciude VAT, interest, credit lite insurance, monthly service and intiaton fee, d applicable, but excludes opbonal insurance and delivery charges. All credit ‘pleats re seta forty asesxmert ar eqed byte NCA and eputons, Reqrements ot ret pation met le aca of ya erty dcr. te re pays andor nk ater prof esdece ‘not older than three months and monthly expenses. Deposit may have to be paid, subject to your credit assessment. SMS for credit ~ SMS costs R1. Standard Ts & Cs apply Lay-by is available on selected products. Minimum deposit of R100 per kay by Fn any ta cheaper at any reac prove with caer catgut nd we wil rein te lerence ps Ss oh ern, on ono tht ental prt mst be sack ten a thal eta Ts oer i Nowe exchs Sore Openings Cancel Linked Oy lr Poets ca be phased fay lf uence sane pos ay be on ply al oe Acero played oe l payed sexes ned et ced a Gonna SASAOKF692 the advertise price Stock and quantities may be ited at ur cretion. No Delers alowed. Consumers purchasing TV sets must produce their document proof of esidence anda valid TV Licence as required by legitton.Calphone puctases PTET TN] pat] = 4 1 are subject to ICA requirements, Servic Providers Ts & Cs and in-store activation. The delayed payment is applicable to contracts that are 18 months in drain or long Buy before 24 December 2022 and ony stat paying your rs instalment on 1 March 203, Should an err occur or incomplete information be printed in this advertisement we wil splay noice in-store wih al the comet details. Erors and omissions excepted, Rainbow Frances arading dvson of Shope vestments Ud, an Authorised ret Provider QVCRCPSOSO), and an Asthorsed Financial Services Provider (FSP 7732). Proud tobe NCA compliant. cd

Latest specials

Sophia Maxi Chest of Drawers AVAILABLE ee uae nan Depost 280. 108 30 Month, Tol Payable 4308 Total Payable S952 at 248 it toast 2-Pieco 120cm Dawson Duchess Add-on Robe Bedroom Suite * Base set, bedding and accessories not included GUARANTEED PEACE OF MIND WITH UARANTEES ON EDBLO & SEALY BA WE 152cm Grande u 152cm Georgia =CDiC I> Base Set aly.) Base Set R6999 tear Guarantee R7999 ear Guarantee 152cm Mkuze Pillow-Top Doubled to 2 Years Doubled to 2 Years Doce CE. Bese oot ‘ea Dei oe oe tpetaded a ee Ee nena © a 10-Year x38 Monts. © 1-Year Guarantee Double 3 Monts service Warranty Hi ervice Warranty Teel Pale RIO : Ten Pople R200 ag Tea Pale R08 Tel Pop to 2 Years Included in a 10-Year Taal Poa Soy, at Papa Service Warranty ata Sch 183m, Chiro-Zone Base Set ‘CUSTOMER CARE LINE: 0861 00 88 61 or 0861 11 32 13, Tee t ur nearest branct yw y pat ——— FORYOUR NEAREST STORE PEASE VST OUR WEBSITE FACEBOK PAGE, OR CONTACT OU CUSTONER CARE LE ‘Prces advertised are applicable within South Africa only. instalment amounts drsplayed inciude VAT, interest, credit lite insurance, monthly service and intiaton fee, d applicable, but excludes opbonal insurance and delivery charges. All credit ‘pleats re seta forty asesxmert ar eqed byte NCA and eputons, Reqrements ot ret pation met le aca of ya erty dcr. te re pays andor nk ater prof esdece ‘not older than three months and monthly expenses. Deposit may have to be paid, subject to your credit assessment. SMS for credit ~ SMS costs R1. Standard Ts & Cs apply Lay-by is available on selected products. Minimum deposit of R100 per kay by Fn any ta cheaper at any reac prove with caer catgut nd we wil rein te lerence ps Ss oh ern, on ono tht ental prt mst be sack ten a thal eta Ts oer i Nowe exchs Sore Openings Cancel Linked Oy lr Poets ca be phased fay lf uence sane pos ay be on ply al oe Acero played oe l payed sexes ned et ced a Gonna SASAOKF692 the advertise price Stock and quantities may be ited at ur cretion. No Delers alowed. Consumers purchasing TV sets must produce their document proof of esidence anda valid TV Licence as required by legitton.Calphone puctases PTET TN] pat] = 4 1 are subject to ICA requirements, Servic Providers Ts & Cs and in-store activation. The delayed payment is applicable to contracts that are 18 months in drain or long Buy before 24 December 2022 and ony stat paying your rs instalment on 1 March 203, Should an err occur or incomplete information be printed in this advertisement we wil splay noice in-store wih al the comet details. Erors and omissions excepted, Rainbow Frances arading dvson of Shope vestments Ud, an Authorised ret Provider QVCRCPSOSO), and an Asthorsed Financial Services Provider (FSP 7732). Proud tobe NCA compliant. cd

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