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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 30.12 to 19.01 - Page nb 3

Special OK Furniture 30.12.2024 - 19.01.2025

Products in this catalogue

ee Harper Corner Chaise Lounge Suite e Accessories not included A 3 ae 5H M1 49°9 each M599 each M1 390 each Assorted Assorted Assorted Silkies Rugs Galaxy Rugs Parade Square 65cm x 110cm 160cm x 240cm 240cm x 355cm M79 CASH M1799 M1 09 CASH M2499 X36 MONTHS Tyinj x 36 MONTHS +... Deposit M180. Trinity Deposit M250. Trinity . Total Payable 2779 Coffee Table Total Payable M3679 Entertainment at 25% Int. at 25% Int. Stand

Latest specials

ee Harper Corner Chaise Lounge Suite e Accessories not included A 3 ae 5H M1 49°9 each M599 each M1 390 each Assorted Assorted Assorted Silkies Rugs Galaxy Rugs Parade Square 65cm x 110cm 160cm x 240cm 240cm x 355cm M79 CASH M1799 M1 09 CASH M2499 X36 MONTHS Tyinj x 36 MONTHS +... Deposit M180. Trinity Deposit M250. Trinity . Total Payable 2779 Coffee Table Total Payable M3679 Entertainment at 25% Int. at 25% Int. Stand

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