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Current special OK Furniture - Valid from 27.12 to 19.01 - Page nb 5

Special OK Furniture 27.12.2024 - 19.01.2025

Products in this catalogue

HOT DEALS rw Hisense Black Glass-Finish Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge With Water Dispenser H670SMIB-WD e 5-Year Guarantee PEEL}: 12 A ENERGY RATING E4199 Metallic Chest Freezer DMF451 CF210HC e 2-Year Warranty ER EER RATING CeCe etagy atciant cP Ue) T NI - c ae Apply in-store. Ts & Cs apply.

Latest specials

HOT DEALS rw Hisense Black Glass-Finish Side-by-Side Freezer-Fridge With Water Dispenser H670SMIB-WD e 5-Year Guarantee PEEL}: 12 A ENERGY RATING E4199 Metallic Chest Freezer DMF451 CF210HC e 2-Year Warranty ER EER RATING CeCe etagy atciant cP Ue) T NI - c ae Apply in-store. Ts & Cs apply.

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