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Current special MTN - MTN Business - Valid from 01.12 to 31.12 - Page nb 22

Special MTN 01.12.2024 - 31.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

HUAWEI]! NOVQ 12i ‘ Huawei nova 123 LTE Huawei FreeBuds SE 2 + 3 Months Huawei Care’ + 40W Supercharger + Phone Cover (all in box) + Choetech 10 000 mAh 22.5 PD Power Bank Allvalued at R3940 eM] | 32. \ ) Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited egistration number: 1993/001436/07) '16 14” Avenue, Fairland, 2195. Private Bag 9955, Cresta, 2118, South Africa. Tel: +27 11 912 3000. Fax: +27 11912 4670 Your monthly contract subscription fees will increase effective 01/02/2025 ‘Monufocturer Terms and Condions copy, at hips: haa im jweimova 1albehween 01/3/2034 SatlabiS equa fosathe Chote 0cna mah s25P0 poner bout ha ime of purchose, ube To Monufocturers Terms and Congtions HIN vellow Plane: Terss and Conaiions pp. For ful Terms and Conditions ov ol products eee ig: Sor vst mincoe EOE

Latest specials

HUAWEI]! NOVQ 12i ‘ Huawei nova 123 LTE Huawei FreeBuds SE 2 + 3 Months Huawei Care’ + 40W Supercharger + Phone Cover (all in box) + Choetech 10 000 mAh 22.5 PD Power Bank Allvalued at R3940 eM] | 32. \ ) Mobile Telephone Networks Proprietary Limited egistration number: 1993/001436/07) '16 14” Avenue, Fairland, 2195. Private Bag 9955, Cresta, 2118, South Africa. Tel: +27 11 912 3000. Fax: +27 11912 4670 Your monthly contract subscription fees will increase effective 01/02/2025 ‘Monufocturer Terms and Condions copy, at hips: haa im jweimova 1albehween 01/3/2034 SatlabiS equa fosathe Chote 0cna mah s25P0 poner bout ha ime of purchose, ube To Monufocturers Terms and Congtions HIN vellow Plane: Terss and Conaiions pp. For ful Terms and Conditions ov ol products eee ig: Sor vst mincoe EOE

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