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Current special Makro - Valid from 19.09 to 02.10 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 19.09.2022 - 02.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Monday 19 September to Sunday 2 October 2022 SPRING CLEANING ESSENTIALS @EIGER @ Bennett Read AlphaBot + Model: HCD + Durable ond efficent brushless motoe + HEPA fbration + Selb chorging auto dock statin + Well enabled” * Controlled via the Soar Life opp * Boman HEPA fer end vide brushes (4097) ail ® KARCHER Pet Pro Canister Vacuum * Medel NaCz000" * ergy ve 20000 1) Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner * Medel: WD? Plus + Excelent deoning pedermence + High ftrotion level + Avaadable ut velected stores ond erine 37727, 1199 | 2) Fleece Filter Bogs 1449034) 19F corr (azeze4) 1999| each | SAVE 300 999 each Duravac Pro Vacuum Cleaner \ @ Milex 1999 ©] ly [ole Reece) RNS) ALON BD All prices in South African Rands, Terms and Conditions apply, 39/2022 Mokro DIP/NA MKNIGMIA473. 1 \e

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Monday 19 September to Sunday 2 October 2022 SPRING CLEANING ESSENTIALS @EIGER @ Bennett Read AlphaBot + Model: HCD + Durable ond efficent brushless motoe + HEPA fbration + Selb chorging auto dock statin + Well enabled” * Controlled via the Soar Life opp * Boman HEPA fer end vide brushes (4097) ail ® KARCHER Pet Pro Canister Vacuum * Medel NaCz000" * ergy ve 20000 1) Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner * Medel: WD? Plus + Excelent deoning pedermence + High ftrotion level + Avaadable ut velected stores ond erine 37727, 1199 | 2) Fleece Filter Bogs 1449034) 19F corr (azeze4) 1999| each | SAVE 300 999 each Duravac Pro Vacuum Cleaner \ @ Milex 1999 ©] ly [ole Reece) RNS) ALON BD All prices in South African Rands, Terms and Conditions apply, 39/2022 Mokro DIP/NA MKNIGMIA473. 1 \e

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