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Current special Makro - Valid from 31.10 to 16.12 - Page nb 1

Special Makro 31.10.2022 - 16.12.2022

Products in this catalogue

Promotion valid from Monday 31 October to Friday 16 December 2022 Izandla Ziyagezana’ “Helping one another” J es ° PROVIDING BIG SAVINGS TO ALL STOKVELS ACROSS SOUTH | AFRICA. TASTIC EXCELLA LUCKY STAR Parboiled Rice Sunflower Oil Baked Beans in Pilchards in Tomato (sub) e ee 1 Gar Tomato Sauce shies Sauce ye Se ae RYE to treshio ) = 1 ww | | i eas | : , Pen es | % £/ », BULL BRAND BLACK CAT iis | Y 2) fear Corned Meat Peanut Butter | R ¢ fe (At veen (a verons) } aa \ ; L i ra : o SNOWFLAKE rE : ee Cake Wheat Hour ¢ exe r ow NO Var ® B camel = _ —— A Lad i CROSSE & BLACKWELL CORN FLAKES WEETDAY oY i KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES BOKOMO ro Z ALL GOLD Mayonnaise Corn Weet Bix é Tomato =— Flakes Sauce Tangy * , WEETBIX — =~ \ pevrerisss| 2 ) 3) 7a _ VEETBIX pam 2 aay) é iy JOKO Crema Coles ond Tes NESCAFE ve ify JOKO a -F te a saty CBs io eee ve ess life @ FULL CREAM Ful Cream BAKERS Milk ih Choice Assorted NO VAT M Biscuits = j Concentrated Fruit Juice ‘ fe (All vorionts) 2h oO] fly OloM te ecReeyy <0] Tey ALON rss iE All prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions Apply. 1. 45/2022. Mokro_CAP_MKNTFD118_GP

Latest specials

Promotion valid from Monday 31 October to Friday 16 December 2022 Izandla Ziyagezana’ “Helping one another” J es ° PROVIDING BIG SAVINGS TO ALL STOKVELS ACROSS SOUTH | AFRICA. TASTIC EXCELLA LUCKY STAR Parboiled Rice Sunflower Oil Baked Beans in Pilchards in Tomato (sub) e ee 1 Gar Tomato Sauce shies Sauce ye Se ae RYE to treshio ) = 1 ww | | i eas | : , Pen es | % £/ », BULL BRAND BLACK CAT iis | Y 2) fear Corned Meat Peanut Butter | R ¢ fe (At veen (a verons) } aa \ ; L i ra : o SNOWFLAKE rE : ee Cake Wheat Hour ¢ exe r ow NO Var ® B camel = _ —— A Lad i CROSSE & BLACKWELL CORN FLAKES WEETDAY oY i KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES BOKOMO ro Z ALL GOLD Mayonnaise Corn Weet Bix é Tomato =— Flakes Sauce Tangy * , WEETBIX — =~ \ pevrerisss| 2 ) 3) 7a _ VEETBIX pam 2 aay) é iy JOKO Crema Coles ond Tes NESCAFE ve ify JOKO a -F te a saty CBs io eee ve ess life @ FULL CREAM Ful Cream BAKERS Milk ih Choice Assorted NO VAT M Biscuits = j Concentrated Fruit Juice ‘ fe (All vorionts) 2h oO] fly OloM te ecReeyy <0] Tey ALON rss iE All prices in South African Rands. Terms and Conditions Apply. 1. 45/2022. Mokro_CAP_MKNTFD118_GP

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