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Current special Lewis Stores - Valid from 12.08 to 18.09 - Page nb 16

Special Lewis Stores 12.08.2024 - 18.09.2024

Products in this catalogue

po permed Rooter erry hd TOTAL:R11340 INCLUDES ALL COSTS Rie ey TOTAL: R15192 INCLUDES ALLCOSTS ton US) NO DEPOSIT AME DAY @ Russell Hobbs) FS OUSILVERIMICROWAVE! F “+8 IWATA aA: ad ‘TERMS: R272 X24 DEPOSIT: R250 TOTAL: R6528 INCLUDES ALL COSTS: (Ope Ole eee) a Te ee rd pe TES ‘TIMFLSH 12012

Latest specials

po permed Rooter erry hd TOTAL:R11340 INCLUDES ALL COSTS Rie ey TOTAL: R15192 INCLUDES ALLCOSTS ton US) NO DEPOSIT AME DAY @ Russell Hobbs) FS OUSILVERIMICROWAVE! F “+8 IWATA aA: ad ‘TERMS: R272 X24 DEPOSIT: R250 TOTAL: R6528 INCLUDES ALL COSTS: (Ope Ole eee) a Te ee rd pe TES ‘TIMFLSH 12012

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