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Current special Game - Valid from 05.10 to 16.10 - Page nb 4

Special Game 05.10.2022 - 16.10.2022

Products in this catalogue

LET US SET YOU UP. Beans Sea eet] f \ Ty 201 Manual Microwave Oven(omoz0s) iby Russell Hobbs ep, Fomine B38 | 30 LDigtat Microwave Oven So Gates SAVE 150 eon : Toh SU Te TNs) ala Sl SETUP AND MUCH MORE. “34 L6ell Mirror Glass Microwave z @LG } Oven(ono3y2) £2 Electronic Grit SAVE 600 SAVE 400 sata ri unin ON CREDIT asso R22 Xe X36 TOTAL REPAYABLE: R7965 @ 19.5% = (osssi3) DEF 1Chrome plate ven shett 4 Solid Plate Stove Black (0ss612) 4 Solid Plate Y Stove Compact Black SAVE 180 ‘ON CREDIT 169 ::: TOTALREPAVABLE: ReOve@ 18 Hisense 60 cm Free Standing Gas Elecvonic Cooker SAVE 1000 SAVE 500

Latest specials

LET US SET YOU UP. Beans Sea eet] f \ Ty 201 Manual Microwave Oven(omoz0s) iby Russell Hobbs ep, Fomine B38 | 30 LDigtat Microwave Oven So Gates SAVE 150 eon : Toh SU Te TNs) ala Sl SETUP AND MUCH MORE. “34 L6ell Mirror Glass Microwave z @LG } Oven(ono3y2) £2 Electronic Grit SAVE 600 SAVE 400 sata ri unin ON CREDIT asso R22 Xe X36 TOTAL REPAYABLE: R7965 @ 19.5% = (osssi3) DEF 1Chrome plate ven shett 4 Solid Plate Stove Black (0ss612) 4 Solid Plate Y Stove Compact Black SAVE 180 ‘ON CREDIT 169 ::: TOTALREPAVABLE: ReOve@ 18 Hisense 60 cm Free Standing Gas Elecvonic Cooker SAVE 1000 SAVE 500

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