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Current special Boxer - Valid from 23.01 to 08.02 - Page nb 3

Special Boxer 23.01.2023 - 08.02.2023

Products in this catalogue

MAMA’S Beef / Chicken Burger Patty 2kg, PARMALAT THOMPSONS Viennas Assorted 1kg, Full Cream Processed Cheese Slices Assorted 200g & PAS GOERS Cw AUR a OC mt ee Wo Soft Rolls 24’s Eouat FAMILY, VALUE: EATS ae . Pm your share of Tiioatede Wnt for learners in Grade 1-9 Pains le}SAYZNE Lee See Le) ed oa FEBRUARY. *Ts & Cs APPLY Visit Ps rr DS a ern ero) ey ree re o15 ys CU ele CUED ECR Cu PRICES VALID AT SELECTED BOXER LIQUOR STORES ONLY Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.

Latest specials

MAMA’S Beef / Chicken Burger Patty 2kg, PARMALAT THOMPSONS Viennas Assorted 1kg, Full Cream Processed Cheese Slices Assorted 200g & PAS GOERS Cw AUR a OC mt ee Wo Soft Rolls 24’s Eouat FAMILY, VALUE: EATS ae . Pm your share of Tiioatede Wnt for learners in Grade 1-9 Pains le}SAYZNE Lee See Le) ed oa FEBRUARY. *Ts & Cs APPLY Visit Ps rr DS a ern ero) ey ree re o15 ys CU ele CUED ECR Cu PRICES VALID AT SELECTED BOXER LIQUOR STORES ONLY Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly.

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