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Current special Africa Cash&Carry - Christmas 2024 - Valid from 14.12 to 03.01 - Page nb 1

Special Africa Cash&Carry 14.12.2023 - 03.01.2024

Products in this catalogue

aT 4 z Weare CLOSED saturday 23" December & we willbe OPEN on Saturday 30" December 2023 . Rar , ie ‘SHOP2SHOP [Ry at ett hs P/Royal Ant itch Jabu Stone Spray (Multi- snfcannabis +Sb oi SnfBco Oil Most Saf Bco Curt Moist M/Bemard’s Oil Most aso Purpose) nasoml i Moist Spry xzs0ml BL Braid ttn 1x350m A tasomt Sprayina50m aio 4 CT a ck La Pek ka RED) ¢ eres + eee) e) Ee t 3.60 : | i i : = ares mans ernie ee sei cece WD cece S/ Feeling Gly®oit SnfHer Oil Moist Isoplus b/Holding Spritz [choice o/Moist Spray /image Braid Spray sore 34350ml = 20347 1x250ml ve250mt i ve250ml 14350ml 3x350ml = i Bo R2g30 CT = 28: ceed xb Cy R747 R3627 caer z ulin ad Rae a ul caer NETS s stockCode: 3672/8 = Stock ode 35259 stock Code: 35641 ss stockCode:35171 stock Code:26222 stockCode: 36169 ise : Isoplus O/Sheen Spray Isoplus Wrap & Style (Ors Wrap Set Mousse P/Choice 0/Sheen Spray iene aoe Coconut 1x207ml 13240 CY SP Co Coad rr Byes Byseiys ayant ‘Stock Code: 138362 ‘Stock Code: 100457 ‘Stock Code: 154270 - ‘Stock Code: 36952 ‘Stock Code: 35695, Sulfur Anti H/Spray Just For Kids Pink Oi Nexsheen Argan Foam Design/ Andjo Wig & Weave Spray L250mt joist 1x250ml ‘Wrap Refill 1x500mt x1TSmb R404 Ct Rg 78s di wv C73: rir Sulfur, eer Sai | ued al evsahnenneyd Soreie ee ‘Stock Code: 36028 ‘Stock Code: 150250 ‘Stock Code: 158108. Sek Cone Te nf ON Moist shine DEAgave & Lavender Dt bye Asted Dn Ultrachotesterot Dax BikH/Grower Top Class seseet 119683 Ww xd Each mt pe125ml J8C0 Oil x1S0mt RQ799 Lol: tag R343 chy eu a Leys) R490 tea ee beta +VAT R545 ea i) cas) ‘Stock Code: 36113 ‘Stock Code: 159978 Stock Code azTe22 ‘Mock Code 30026 ‘Stock Code: 105762 ‘Stock Code: 136794 ‘Amla Oil Indian Green Anjalee Org Amla H/Oit ‘Umera Jamaica Black Vita Glow H/Ltn HrPlacenta Ampules [Bt] Bharkat Amla tr00mt A 350m Castor Ol 1x1sOmt vis ccs ombc1 Pack tondiasom = Fein bab hed Cr R759 y Cid Tse Lys ; Cae By arte a erie = ares =a Bra ; aye cy = stockode: 36588 stockCode: 40858 tock Code: 26964 sechcoda em stock code:35503 stock Code: 13961 Amereel Step 1 Perm . i gic shaving i Asst 1x600mt 23500mt «100ml aadeg — wwe Fragns0g ba ad Cyr) Cpa ftv a Bynig Bi e eae E eared R Se - = = - = iy = —_——— — stock ode: 25608 sock code: 151490 Stock Code: 36607 Stock ode: 159759/60/61 stock Code 157982 stock Code: 158065 PJolive shampoo cond 7 Rev NMatine Shampoo/ Cond ‘Organic’ Shampoo/ Cond “TRESemme Shampoo/ Dasoml eke cond sam, fst xeon fade Conetoner st aso ible é yA Cra iow CDA Bie Bere Bvser vir al stock ode: 25585 sock Code: 4785751 stock Code: 4831/8 stock Code 1254/2 Sock ode: 36078 : : A Lage aoe NEON aan PAMELA) Ie ae Oe en eee eo TRS Rice ie REE CRE ee eC kei PM ane eae ay ae : CE HeLa eater ordersaafricacne.coza | Cine neues ott nese) Tel f

Latest specials

aT 4 z Weare CLOSED saturday 23" December & we willbe OPEN on Saturday 30" December 2023 . Rar , ie ‘SHOP2SHOP [Ry at ett hs P/Royal Ant itch Jabu Stone Spray (Multi- snfcannabis +Sb oi SnfBco Oil Most Saf Bco Curt Moist M/Bemard’s Oil Most aso Purpose) nasoml i Moist Spry xzs0ml BL Braid ttn 1x350m A tasomt Sprayina50m aio 4 CT a ck La Pek ka RED) ¢ eres + eee) e) Ee t 3.60 : | i i : = ares mans ernie ee sei cece WD cece S/ Feeling Gly®oit SnfHer Oil Moist Isoplus b/Holding Spritz [choice o/Moist Spray /image Braid Spray sore 34350ml = 20347 1x250ml ve250mt i ve250ml 14350ml 3x350ml = i Bo R2g30 CT = 28: ceed xb Cy R747 R3627 caer z ulin ad Rae a ul caer NETS s stockCode: 3672/8 = Stock ode 35259 stock Code: 35641 ss stockCode:35171 stock Code:26222 stockCode: 36169 ise : Isoplus O/Sheen Spray Isoplus Wrap & Style (Ors Wrap Set Mousse P/Choice 0/Sheen Spray iene aoe Coconut 1x207ml 13240 CY SP Co Coad rr Byes Byseiys ayant ‘Stock Code: 138362 ‘Stock Code: 100457 ‘Stock Code: 154270 - ‘Stock Code: 36952 ‘Stock Code: 35695, Sulfur Anti H/Spray Just For Kids Pink Oi Nexsheen Argan Foam Design/ Andjo Wig & Weave Spray L250mt joist 1x250ml ‘Wrap Refill 1x500mt x1TSmb R404 Ct Rg 78s di wv C73: rir Sulfur, eer Sai | ued al evsahnenneyd Soreie ee ‘Stock Code: 36028 ‘Stock Code: 150250 ‘Stock Code: 158108. Sek Cone Te nf ON Moist shine DEAgave & Lavender Dt bye Asted Dn Ultrachotesterot Dax BikH/Grower Top Class seseet 119683 Ww xd Each mt pe125ml J8C0 Oil x1S0mt RQ799 Lol: tag R343 chy eu a Leys) R490 tea ee beta +VAT R545 ea i) cas) ‘Stock Code: 36113 ‘Stock Code: 159978 Stock Code azTe22 ‘Mock Code 30026 ‘Stock Code: 105762 ‘Stock Code: 136794 ‘Amla Oil Indian Green Anjalee Org Amla H/Oit ‘Umera Jamaica Black Vita Glow H/Ltn HrPlacenta Ampules [Bt] Bharkat Amla tr00mt A 350m Castor Ol 1x1sOmt vis ccs ombc1 Pack tondiasom = Fein bab hed Cr R759 y Cid Tse Lys ; Cae By arte a erie = ares =a Bra ; aye cy = stockode: 36588 stockCode: 40858 tock Code: 26964 sechcoda em stock code:35503 stock Code: 13961 Amereel Step 1 Perm . i gic shaving i Asst 1x600mt 23500mt «100ml aadeg — wwe Fragns0g ba ad Cyr) Cpa ftv a Bynig Bi e eae E eared R Se - = = - = iy = —_——— — stock ode: 25608 sock code: 151490 Stock Code: 36607 Stock ode: 159759/60/61 stock Code 157982 stock Code: 158065 PJolive shampoo cond 7 Rev NMatine Shampoo/ Cond ‘Organic’ Shampoo/ Cond “TRESemme Shampoo/ Dasoml eke cond sam, fst xeon fade Conetoner st aso ible é yA Cra iow CDA Bie Bere Bvser vir al stock ode: 25585 sock Code: 4785751 stock Code: 4831/8 stock Code 1254/2 Sock ode: 36078 : : A Lage aoe NEON aan PAMELA) Ie ae Oe en eee eo TRS Rice ie REE CRE ee eC kei PM ane eae ay ae : CE HeLa eater ordersaafricacne.coza | Cine neues ott nese) Tel f

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