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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 05.12 to 11.12 - Page nb 10

Special Advance Cash&Carry 05.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

ADVANCE CASH & CARRY SI kg 300g x6's ~ 2kg @0gx6s 3kg Y \ ADVANCE ) CASH & CARRY —_ Etangeni Green Bar Britewash Green Bar joc a om || Rave Laundry Soap Daily Laundry Soap ait a} 750mli oagh8750mI x 5's ash & canny J —— (®) = Raid Mortein Insect Killer Insect Killer Doom| Mr Min fe Blue Death Multi Surface N00N eo 'Surt Dish Washing Liquid aS feav — Sta Soft Fabric & ne ADVANCE J Sip Uf \ Savane 7 Nw — Chemico \ Cream \ T_ House Hold ApvaNce “ram 7 i] NN J ia Trek eu eed Refill Goom! x 6's 400m! Jewel Floor Polish Cleaner ikox9's Fn non eis Magq Washing Powder 1509x608 Omo ar BL pix Oe ¥ 2kgx 8's kgx 12's e oo pros 2kg = = 2509 x5 aes vie 2 kg sie 6009 x 6's ec 3kg Sig Shooter 1) 5kg tka x9's 6009 x6's Execed (- bi Britelite Green Bar = Personal Touch} Fabric Softener Waves Green Bar ~~ B) ADVANCE Domestos Bleach 2» Handy Andy Cream Smart Save g = ‘Dish Washing e, Liquid ue Thunder Pine Gel 750ml x 5's ‘ 1.5L ca ADVANCE fates, Eenecanne J Se ~ a Harpic _ Mr Muscle P . epee ‘ sunbeanv| Cleaning Gel Windolene Tile ih Chemico Soura Duck Selected Glass Cleaner Drain Cleen Floor Polish) (Wet , 4 Variants} Cleaner Trigger 0 Granular EAM, | Om! 7 500i " r 7 2 : oe a is i Dyroach Fast Kill Mortein Insect Killer Insect Killer Exello ~ (Washing Powder a e vomrmmef YI cru ec Res ay 2k , Sta Soft Sunlight Fabric} iPersonal Touch}) fA Mag Fabric Fabric Softener Softener 2L Fabric ee : rf Softener os e : el : E Vs > r pe | 8 Air Freshener = f Omo y Viva) ii Dish] Ga Omi x 5° Washing Thunder . : ‘ Liquid Liquid 2 PS 4 ; a e ed “VE ey ‘Smart Save Pine Gel Doom} Doom| Insect Killer Mosquito SE Sunlight Laundry Soap DEC SST) 500g x 42's 1259 Suilli 250g x 84's 1259 x 144's eS=- 500g x 36's Sualight Jeyes Fluid 500ml x 6's iL 750m! x 6's 151 | % Mosquito Coil tid Rattex A,Coils x & Glade Secrets| Air Freshener} Debello Rat pie Air wick “ao Ng “2° eee i aa .. f ee I E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of ene While stocks last | Cash pickup =

Latest specials

ADVANCE CASH & CARRY SI kg 300g x6's ~ 2kg @0gx6s 3kg Y \ ADVANCE ) CASH & CARRY —_ Etangeni Green Bar Britewash Green Bar joc a om || Rave Laundry Soap Daily Laundry Soap ait a} 750mli oagh8750mI x 5's ash & canny J —— (®) = Raid Mortein Insect Killer Insect Killer Doom| Mr Min fe Blue Death Multi Surface N00N eo 'Surt Dish Washing Liquid aS feav — Sta Soft Fabric & ne ADVANCE J Sip Uf \ Savane 7 Nw — Chemico \ Cream \ T_ House Hold ApvaNce “ram 7 i] NN J ia Trek eu eed Refill Goom! x 6's 400m! Jewel Floor Polish Cleaner ikox9's Fn non eis Magq Washing Powder 1509x608 Omo ar BL pix Oe ¥ 2kgx 8's kgx 12's e oo pros 2kg = = 2509 x5 aes vie 2 kg sie 6009 x 6's ec 3kg Sig Shooter 1) 5kg tka x9's 6009 x6's Execed (- bi Britelite Green Bar = Personal Touch} Fabric Softener Waves Green Bar ~~ B) ADVANCE Domestos Bleach 2» Handy Andy Cream Smart Save g = ‘Dish Washing e, Liquid ue Thunder Pine Gel 750ml x 5's ‘ 1.5L ca ADVANCE fates, Eenecanne J Se ~ a Harpic _ Mr Muscle P . epee ‘ sunbeanv| Cleaning Gel Windolene Tile ih Chemico Soura Duck Selected Glass Cleaner Drain Cleen Floor Polish) (Wet , 4 Variants} Cleaner Trigger 0 Granular EAM, | Om! 7 500i " r 7 2 : oe a is i Dyroach Fast Kill Mortein Insect Killer Insect Killer Exello ~ (Washing Powder a e vomrmmef YI cru ec Res ay 2k , Sta Soft Sunlight Fabric} iPersonal Touch}) fA Mag Fabric Fabric Softener Softener 2L Fabric ee : rf Softener os e : el : E Vs > r pe | 8 Air Freshener = f Omo y Viva) ii Dish] Ga Omi x 5° Washing Thunder . : ‘ Liquid Liquid 2 PS 4 ; a e ed “VE ey ‘Smart Save Pine Gel Doom} Doom| Insect Killer Mosquito SE Sunlight Laundry Soap DEC SST) 500g x 42's 1259 Suilli 250g x 84's 1259 x 144's eS=- 500g x 36's Sualight Jeyes Fluid 500ml x 6's iL 750m! x 6's 151 | % Mosquito Coil tid Rattex A,Coils x & Glade Secrets| Air Freshener} Debello Rat pie Air wick “ao Ng “2° eee i aa .. f ee I E.&0.E | We reserve the right to limit quantities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of ene While stocks last | Cash pickup =

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