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Current special Advance Cash&Carry - Valid from 05.12 to 11.12 - Page nb 3

Special Advance Cash&Carry 05.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Products in this catalogue

Vv ADVANCE CASH & CARRY Brown Ea White Brown Rete White Stks 59x 1000s] Lucky Star Fish Brown ig mu) —— 2" E whe s Ss ier Flair Flair) Baked beans hilchards| Baked] ‘TOMcS, OMCO) Lucky Star Baked (@) f-) E a oe oy atts) a's] bb 2 ee | oe ‘ Vas ; Flair Everyday "Rhode Lucky Star J Koo Chakakata 41 Flair cs Flair Rhodes: mechakalaka Chakalaka Chakakala _Chakalaka < Mix Veg Mix Veg!) <=@Veg Curry Hot & Spicy fy Only ee oH chao ! fey) oy k 5 ce = ? eK Koo Veg Curry/Mix Veg Everday ‘a Flair ae —s Poast om Butter Beans memEveryDay) Butter Rhodes} fikoo) 4109 x12} > Garden a Butter Beans Mix Veg ee Beans Peg x 12! Everyday Koo Whole Rhodes Koo Rhodes Everyday ns Whole aKernel Corn Cream Style} ->=«Spaghetti i rc =| Kernel z a a su ex: Corn le ‘oe Pin 2s 0; 0 1 y ; ! ; , | i ( Flair} ao All Gold Tomato & Miami Tomato Daten EverydayTomato & All Gold] Miami = inion Mix i i . . mato & _ i i i mane) nion Mix Mix on =Braai Relish .Braai Relish = | Koo 9 39] | fc) ee oa ESB! Tomato Prete me) | scare ‘ Ee 5 | Paste All Gold Miami Lucky Star Lucky Star Lucky Star Tuna Chunks Shredded Tuna —“a\ 4 Koo zenl Koo Peach 7 Slices/ Halves Bipeapnle “> i - | , GOTT I a Ea) All Gold Jam Apricot Jam 0 If 3 =) ‘ : (gos 450g x 6's 2 q $/B 4509 225g x 6's (R \ a Seavey am voto | = a(S px12's $/89009 900gx6s| \ Smahes ) P ea : Nec” a (0.E | We reserve the right to limit ities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only I = ‘ | @ Tey 9) Rc e a | ed i a Tomato Puree} p= <= Sardines a c Tomato Puree eae roe in Water / Oil 170 In Water/Oil 1709 i eee) mens ¢ Pie | eae ee |

Latest specials

Vv ADVANCE CASH & CARRY Brown Ea White Brown Rete White Stks 59x 1000s] Lucky Star Fish Brown ig mu) —— 2" E whe s Ss ier Flair Flair) Baked beans hilchards| Baked] ‘TOMcS, OMCO) Lucky Star Baked (@) f-) E a oe oy atts) a's] bb 2 ee | oe ‘ Vas ; Flair Everyday "Rhode Lucky Star J Koo Chakakata 41 Flair cs Flair Rhodes: mechakalaka Chakalaka Chakakala _Chakalaka < Mix Veg Mix Veg!) <=@Veg Curry Hot & Spicy fy Only ee oH chao ! fey) oy k 5 ce = ? eK Koo Veg Curry/Mix Veg Everday ‘a Flair ae —s Poast om Butter Beans memEveryDay) Butter Rhodes} fikoo) 4109 x12} > Garden a Butter Beans Mix Veg ee Beans Peg x 12! Everyday Koo Whole Rhodes Koo Rhodes Everyday ns Whole aKernel Corn Cream Style} ->=«Spaghetti i rc =| Kernel z a a su ex: Corn le ‘oe Pin 2s 0; 0 1 y ; ! ; , | i ( Flair} ao All Gold Tomato & Miami Tomato Daten EverydayTomato & All Gold] Miami = inion Mix i i . . mato & _ i i i mane) nion Mix Mix on =Braai Relish .Braai Relish = | Koo 9 39] | fc) ee oa ESB! Tomato Prete me) | scare ‘ Ee 5 | Paste All Gold Miami Lucky Star Lucky Star Lucky Star Tuna Chunks Shredded Tuna —“a\ 4 Koo zenl Koo Peach 7 Slices/ Halves Bipeapnle “> i - | , GOTT I a Ea) All Gold Jam Apricot Jam 0 If 3 =) ‘ : (gos 450g x 6's 2 q $/B 4509 225g x 6's (R \ a Seavey am voto | = a(S px12's $/89009 900gx6s| \ Smahes ) P ea : Nec” a (0.E | We reserve the right to limit ities | All prices are inclusive of VAT | Subject to availability of stocks | While stocks last | Cash pickup only I = ‘ | @ Tey 9) Rc e a | ed i a Tomato Puree} p= <= Sardines a c Tomato Puree eae roe in Water / Oil 170 In Water/Oil 1709 i eee) mens ¢ Pie | eae ee |

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