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Current special President Hyper - Valid from 04.02 to 24.02 - Page nb 4

Special President Hyper 04.02.2025 - 24.02.2025

Products in this catalogue

°] Lemon / Mint Choc / f. Choc / h Nutro Vanilla Choc f »|, Cream Biscuits 200g 4 mer 5x 82,59 = Flavoured Snack | Pooja Tasty Treats Trisk Savoury Crackers 2x 100g & (je Nestié E fe” Large Chocolate Bars:- Bar One 52g / Tex 40g / Cheese Balls / Skittles Smarties 40g / Snow Balls / Crazy Sours / © Aero 40g / Boogie Balls / Willards Wild Berry / KitKat:- Hoola Rings Big Korn Bites Fruits 4 Finger 41,59 / 2x 100g 2x 120g 3x 38g Chunky 40g / 42g é \ 2Lt a 3 Coca-Cola Original Taste / No Sugar / s Sprite Regular / Fusion Fanta Orange / Clover Dairy Fruit Stoney Ginger Tropika Blend Fruit Nectar ieee Beer Flavoured Concentrate were ce Bey PET Bottle Dairy Fruit Mix excite 6 x 300m! 2x 2Lt Ce Re Carre Cee ee ee eee Bel ions excepted. T's & C’s apply

Latest specials

°] Lemon / Mint Choc / f. Choc / h Nutro Vanilla Choc f »|, Cream Biscuits 200g 4 mer 5x 82,59 = Flavoured Snack | Pooja Tasty Treats Trisk Savoury Crackers 2x 100g & (je Nestié E fe” Large Chocolate Bars:- Bar One 52g / Tex 40g / Cheese Balls / Skittles Smarties 40g / Snow Balls / Crazy Sours / © Aero 40g / Boogie Balls / Willards Wild Berry / KitKat:- Hoola Rings Big Korn Bites Fruits 4 Finger 41,59 / 2x 100g 2x 120g 3x 38g Chunky 40g / 42g é \ 2Lt a 3 Coca-Cola Original Taste / No Sugar / s Sprite Regular / Fusion Fanta Orange / Clover Dairy Fruit Stoney Ginger Tropika Blend Fruit Nectar ieee Beer Flavoured Concentrate were ce Bey PET Bottle Dairy Fruit Mix excite 6 x 300m! 2x 2Lt Ce Re Carre Cee ee ee eee Bel ions excepted. T's & C’s apply

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